The health level in GTA Online (Grand Theft Auto 5)
All of the new year and herring under a fur coat!At the completion of the mission in the lower left corner indicates the level of health. I have for example 20 out of 100. There are reliable infa what is it? Responsible for what? How to download? Level 30.
The level of health rises at the expense of the tasks, there is a legend that in the honest achievement of a strong level become immortal (I have a hundredth level)
I think this garbage kakayato one 6: from 80 to 100 was passed - I think it's complete nonsense that it somehow increases health and such...
As I understand it, every 20 levels is increased by 20% health. 100 level will be two times more health than 1, well, harder to kill you.
in GTA online to eat supplies that you buy in the store?I was there for was bought and all the cigarettes and candy bars and how to eat them don't know please tell me))the PC Platform))
press the letter M English next Gear and there in the objects you'll find them
To get into this menu, to climb on it, choosing food... passani, you can somehow bind a key for this case, and that while there will climb or 30 times will have time to kill, or HP will restored themselves to half
In the action (M) to set the snack, but then will go a long animation like the character is eating the chocolate bar.
Other legal ways bind this action is not present
Innokenty Alexeev
In any grocery store, and easy to perekusit suggest to a secluded place prepractice ))
to eat does not work! And how do you predlagaete a macro to create for example a mouse riser and its driver. ie press m then down meal etc?
As far as I know, health increases every 20 levels by 20 percent. At level 100 you will have two times more health than on the ground, consequently you will be tougher to kill.
today ran was killed during the mission, a new level is not taken but enriched slag health
let's say, among the people running several versions, the normal and logical for the level, second for the job. Check possible that your health went up, but just didn't show it.
I have always believed that with the level and every time we see. A couple of days ago received 100 and then +20 XP