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AS.Mind 17.10.19 06:48 pm

\"Spring Provost\" ASSAULT 4v4 tournament #15 (Unreal Tournament 2004)

The format of the tournament: 4v4 AS with the cap selection. The number of groups depends on the number of participants pie chart (with each other), the results of each group advance to the 2 teams with the most points in their group, followed by the game of musical chairs. The group played BO3, semi – finals бо5, the final бо7.
Organizers: mind
Communication with the organizers. Skype: mindmind444
RULES:tournament Format: 4v4 AS with the cap selection. The number of groups depends on the number of participants pie chart (with each other), the results of each group advance to the 2 teams with the most points in their group, followed by the game of musical chairs. The group played BO3, semi – finals бо5, the final бо7.
Registration deadline: 10.02.19 – 10.03.19 (probably sooner)
The format of the cap selection: Draft taking into account the cost of players and teams captains for the weak and strong. Every player organizer assigns a rating (of which, accordingly, recruited the assessment team). On each round the team with the lower rating chooses the first on the team with more.
The beginning of the tournament immediately after the cap selection.
Organizers: mind
Communication with the organizers. Skype: mindmind444

Registration form:
-1. I agree/ do not agree with the championship rules. If you do not agree with the terms, then describe what exactly does not suit you, because there is a possibility of amendments.
-2. Realnc (use fakes on tournament games is prohibited).
-3. Contacts.
-4. Schedule who he is (which days and how many are willing to play and train; just keep in mind that most of the matches are played after 20.00 on Sat and Sun).
For players who rarely play as (or not playing at all) must come to the training camp (Sun 2100, it is also possible Fri/Sat at the same time). Little-known players, who did not find the time to come to the training camp may be denied the opportunity to participate in the tournament.
-5. Ping matches should not be below your standard ping (which you usually play or you gave to the organizer) with an error of 12. If someone during the tournament will be reduced significantly relative to the stated ping - ping is screwed team -pktlag. +20 relative to the ping that was stated.

If you have already registered, but for some reason can't play – try as much as possible in advance to inform the organizers.

2. Cap. selection:
Captains will be appointed by the organizer.
The organizer will contact the captains after registration, captains will be required to appear at the appointed time in cap selection.
Cap. selection will be like this:
First take weak caps:
- Cap 1
- Cap 2
- Cap 3
Strong caps, after taking =>
- Cap 4
- Cap 5
- Cap 6
*After the first round of selection, the first 3 weak cap change in order of selection in accordance to their current value command and so all the circles selection. Then change 3 strong cap in the order of selection in accordance to their value teams and all the rounds of selection.
P. S. So, the low caps as strong caps will be able to recruit players evenly on each round of selection, but the priority in the selection will be from the weak caps always, and will not have a strong team with some anchors :)

3. Maplist:
- AS-BP2-SubRosa-LE[F3]
AS FallenCity2
AS HolocorpRedux-LE
- AS-Insurrection-LE-V3
- AS-Glacier
- AS-Vindication
- AS-Industrial-v1c
- AS-Protocore
- AS-Junkyard

4. Server and settings:
Games are held only on servers PlayGround:
The game is on a different server is possible only in case of server failure PG, and only with the consent of both teams and the organizer.

Server settings:
of Tikrit 60
-Preset 4on4 ASextra
-RespawnProtectionTime 0
-RoundTimeLimit 12
-ReinforcmentFreq 6

5. Schedule:
Schedule free. A timeframe of the group stage – one match for every team a week (possibly adding weeks to dayroku). Then the captains are ready to play agree among themselves and inform the organizer of the game. Teams must play at least one match a week. If a team cannot play its due match per week, the captain must inform the organizer. The team do not show activity for more than a week without a good reason can be applied punitive measures (up to tahora in the match or even forced replacement of the player, creating his inactivity problems). All things being equal, priority goes to the more active teams who were ready to play a greater number of days (ie captain in kapkote offered more dates for games).
Week plays:
(these rules are only added on an additional week)
If at the end of the group stage, some teams have not played total games, then adds a week to dogrose and the organizer are strictly assigned to the days of the unplayed matches. Dates of matches will be communicated to captains in advance (2 days). The team(s) arrived in part replacement is sought from the same circle the selection that the absent party, but, necessarily, with the smaller cost. The search for a replacement is carried out by the teams, as is the replacement of the captain. If a replacement is not located, then the team with the missing player will be sent tejpar. The operator's offer to play 3v3 is possible only after all the following conditions:
- both teams missing players the same range of selection;
- both teams agree to play 3v3;
the difference value of the two resulting teams not more than 5 points.

6. Holding matches:
-6.1.The captain of the team agrees in advance about the time of the match with the captain of the opposing team, after which they shall inform the organizer.
-6.2.A scheduled match can be cancelled no later than one hour before the announced time. Each team may use the cancellation of the match twice in the tournament.
-6.3.At the appointed time the opposing team meet on the server. The team has not appeared in the composition of the three players to your scheduled match within 20 minutes after it has started, receives a forfeit loss for his the map if the opposing team was composed of three players. After that, the team or carry the match, or wait for latecomers. If the opposing team agrees to wait for latecomers, tejpar you can not put.
-6.4.Immediately before each match the team chooses his map and reports it to the rival team. The same goes for a rival team. The first map is played the teams with less points (at equality – the first map is chosen by the captain to select players early in the first round of capabara).
-6.5.If it comes to desidera, he was selected by cercanias of maplist. When this card has already been played in this match, automatically deleted. First scribbles team with fewer points (at equality – the first scribbles captain to select players early in the first round of capabara).
-6.6.Own the map is played first for the attacking side. On desidera team that scribbles past, plays first for the defense.
-6.7.Each team only twice, you can choose the same map in the group stage of the championship.
-6.8.Each card can be played only once per match.
-6.9.By mutual consent of the teams in a particular match, the game can be held in the format of 3v3 (which is very unlikely, but just in this point leave)
-6.10.During the matches on the server passworded have the right to be the participants of the match, as follows:
- organizers
- commentators
-6.11.If streamer for the game to not find necessarily written serverdemo. Also by mutual consent of the teams the server may not paralytica.
-6.12.Captains must before the game to send the password from the server to the organizer.
-6.13. In case of a draw on the map – the result is ignored. Teams play the two remaining cards (the last card is selected by cercanias of maplist; the first scribbles the team with less points or if they are equal – captain to select players early in the first round of capabara). If the result on these cards will be 1:1, then counted draw in the match and the teams get one point.
-6.14.In case of equal points for two teams considered the result of their meeting.
-6.15.In the case of triple tie (three teams the same points and each one of them have beaten one of them) these teams play matches on the same card with each other
to resolve the situation. The selection circuit cards: who won the toss determines who will be scribbles first and then card zerkaltsa until there is one.

-Victory (no matter 2-0 or 2-1) – 3 points
Defeat 0-2 0 points
-Lose 1-2 1 point

7. the playoffs:
Top four on points scored during the group stage, teams go to the playoffs. The best on points the team playing the fourth on points. Second on points the team plays with the third. Winning in these matches teams go to the final. And the losers in the semifinal matches play each other the match for third place. The format of the playoffs – бо5, i.e. up to 3 victories.

8. Final:
-8.1.The team with less points chooses the first card, then the card is produced by the commands in turn.
-8.2.The choice of maps each command occurs at a time. Each of the teams immediately in front of each pair of cards announces its selection of cards. If made the score 3-3, the 7-th card is chosen by cercanias of maplist. Thus 6 cards already played in that match, is automatically deleted. The first scribbles to the team with the fewer points, the one who struck the last of the 2 cards, will play for attack (red).
-8.3.A draw in the final:
If the 7th map will be a draw and the score is 3-3, then the next map is chosen by cercanias of the remaining. The card picks the team with the greater number of points, while the first is playing for the attack.
If this card draw is played the last remaining card, but if it draw final is played again =))))

9. Prohibited actions:
-9.1.Vylezanija ion tank inside the door on the map Glacier. Climbing under the textures on all maps. Any abuse of this rule, the player's team is tejpar on the map.
-9.2.Unauthorized substitution of players in the team other players who are not part of the team on the results of the captain's selection.
-9.3.The use of cheats. A player found using cheats will be banned, will be disqualified from the tournament, falls into the black list and deprived of the opportunity to participate in the next Championships.
-9.4.For insulting the participants of the tournament, the team of the player is cautioned by the referee. For each repeated insult throughout the tournament, the team of the player gets tejpar on the map.

10. Technical problems during matches:
-10.1.Upon departure from the game one of the players on the server is preceded by a pause. The expectation of the player taken off: 15 minutes. Further waiting is possible only with the mutual consent of the teams. If the disconnected player has not returned, with the consent of the team with full squad, is thegrove compositions 2v2. The server leaves the player the same selection procedure on the captain's selection, and departed. Also, in this case, the disconnected player is allowed to join the server only after a map change. If the team, and all members do not agree on dogrose in the format of 2v2 and the winner is not determined by the organizer, degrove match is postponed captains for another time.
-10.2.The server lag and the like:
Decided individually by the organizer, as all this situation can not be foreseen.

11. Pause:
The pause may be for a good cause, which should be here in chat to announce. If the opponent thinks the reason is disrespectful, he may apply to the organizer for consideration of the situation as controversial. In this case, the organizer, having considered all of the arguments will make its decision. If the pause was indeed delivered without valid reasons, the organizer will make a decision in favor of the opponent of the offending team. If the pause was without reason, but does on the game are not affected - the organizer may issue a team warning. For such a re-break (in this or subsequent matches) can already be punished.
You cannot use the pause to obtain apparent in-game advantage (ABUS pause - for example in order to break the opponent link on the Robot). In case of such situation, the organizer, assessing the situation from all sides, may appoint a replay or even tejpar on the map, the team put on pause.
Before removing the pause we need to make sure opponent is ready - their captain needs to confirm it.

12. Replacements:
-Temporary replacement for the match is possible only with the mutual consent of both captains and organizer. Constant substitution is possible only with the consent of the organizer and most of the captains. Replacement of approximately selected by the organizer according to the original ranking of players.

13. Controversial issues:
Any questions that do not fall under the clear definition in the rules, are as controversial issues organizer.

It is strongly recommended to write client-side demos. This is extremely useful in case of dispute.

The organizers have the right to amend the rules before the start of the Champ (i.e. before the first games), with the obligatory indication of the list of amendments to the comments in the thread of the championship.

Group (stream):
Chong vs mind:

Dan vs Roy:

koffee vs mind:

Dan vs mind

koffee vs Dan

Roy vs mind

Roy vs Koffee

The semi-finals (stream):
Koffee vs mind

Dan vs Chong


1. CHONG-team: chong, fors, amp, fortis_cor
2. Mind-team: mind, biazet, aldrdr, Lia
3. Dan-team: dan, cold, juTe, raincold

4. Koffee-team: koffee, user666, BunnyHopper, Okofest
5. Roy-team: Roy, ultra, xenon, natsu
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Arxsab 17.10.19

the doubts I have about 6 seconds to respawn, 5 seconds better.
Then sit for 6 seconds to spawn and bomb from it)

AS.Mind 17.10.19

Arxsab wrote:
the doubts I have about 6 seconds to respawn, 5 seconds better.
Then sit for 6 seconds to spawn and bomb from it)
Given that junk and glacier in maplist, that the second solves.

Roy 17.10.19

Scum with volgacom Phobia plays a final

The video quality after processing by YouTube for some simply horrendous - those interested can read the original (3.6 GB) - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ODIzWMqgtCNYbg87sGor4-GWXgKrxP0O/view?usp=sharing

The relish - 05:49(there's actually a lot of shooting on the walls, but then the prettiest - despite the fact that the video clearly shows that he couldn't know exactly the position of the next enemies, but the sight is already where you have 3 missiles already charged and jumped then just as gorgeous , even before the enemy comes around the corner).
Also there (on this and on the other four cards ) a lot of things indicating that cuts in the important moments the trigger, there is a bit of palitsya. But the trigger in any proper use to seriously burn impossible, if not quite the imbecile he uses , and then chitak with a lot of experience so opinions about the periodic trigger is divided. In the end, always knowing where the enemies is possible without it is stable to shock, 40% to shoot.
Very long known cheater (sometimes does not hide the fact that used cheats when in the company of beginners who have not played at the time when he slept - mows innocent and to require proof). Why-that it tried to grant Amnesty and were allowed to tournaments. Here is the result(if it is that the final game of the tournament ascolto). Notice how this superplayer for the entire game never went and not even threw suspance not in the position where is the enemy. Absolute determination of the position of the enemy. Rare orbs which he shot where is trying to pass the enemy - even straining to close ( cartridges it is a pity ) . Any top player such even did not dream - fall down before the new GOD of UT (I recall the way, just in case that assaulte the sound it is impossible to navigate so this factor makes no sense to consider - it's not a duel , there are too many players and shooting).

Roy 17.10.19

Continue gradually watch the game freak cheat.

Of course now citeron and his lovers will say that just randomly threw a spam email is not clear where.

But it was not there, even here, the spam always flying at the enemy, even given the fact that he is absolutely not seen, not heard, not smelled, and even object, spam which is always possible to explain everything here, alas, is also no. But in actual fact he's just a guy teammates coordinates with accuracy to six decimal places at x, y, z said. Well, as usual.

50789 17.10.19

Rоy wrote:
But it was not there, even here, the spam always flying at the enemy, even given the fact that he is absolutely not seen, not heard, not smelled, and even object, spam which is always possible to explain everything here, alas, is also no.
Freeze at 0:13.Chong sees the enemy. And that doesn't see can't hear?
But what's the catch then? You know I love you before polatli on ironice also will not hear. But I know you will, so throw shock kombu in there. Also a cheater will call. Uu.
And Yes, there is one fucking pass to him in any case, on the fucking stairs to go, so where shot there shot.
And Yes, again, it was shooting at before. How the fuck cheats will help him to get FLACA, PROACTIVE, with cheats be aimed directly at the instant of aim?
Infa brow was shot where he could shoot. What cheat tell me please?
It's shooting ahead. Cheats shooting the future that I invented or something?
I would not have refused this, LMAO.
For example, he would have seen it. That, he knew he was right to go? Even with Rin it would be random. And the info was still on it(CHONG) So I don't know what's cheats.

User666 17.10.19

I remember in the tame, when it was a bunch of people and way pleased us, I often drove about Volchok. Dunno why, never used and not even know how to do it, because not interested. But a couple of moments were really funny, especially when dude includes inviz on nehily such distance, and I turn 90 degrees head. But I have a few years less than vidossich :)
Roy, you're so not chierici? And then on Saturday, as it was hints of sickly, once I remember exactly how I loaded without seeing me.
Well, okay, guys, it's your business, brag about your success with the help of readily available funds or not. Use them or not. His will remain with you, and with age and viagra stop to help =)

Arxsab 17.10.19

Totally randomly clicked on the video and I have just caught my eye)
I shorter identity skeptical of the evidence of Roy, but the amp was sleeping on the stream of the finals)
1.31.13 out look.
on 1.31.24 sooo questionable shot, but let's say there was visible from the edge of the chuvachek. I think around this time he was cut, added not passed one? and for a moment looked back. After all, if there was such a hesitant question, a fraction of a second is enough for doubts left.
But look at 1.31.42 which he gives the old) 2-e!!! where he saw there two?)
Even if we assume there is a different ECS there's this guy in the fucking wall. Only how can we understand that there is a 2nd, only for the ball flaca, which is due to the wall flying, and it is not clear who released it. Ie, he understood that there is 2nd, only because the guy who is visible, too quickly shot from flaca, which means the ball flaca not his.
But I don't believe for sure) take a look at the sight, staring at the wall after that.
And do not say that he saw the guy left, because he started talking before he turned back. And during dialect to change the word one on two, in the heat of battle critical and decisive... dick I know what the brain needs and response.

In General, maybe he yuzal not always, but in critical moments.
In short I don't find a logical explanation ety of information, except Rin.
For a good, if who-thread made of higher quality VIDOS.

and view in normal speed:

On the other hand do not understand the fuckup guy on 1.32.02. there biased without incoming seen, and he will link against for some reason. And just hemorrhoids squeezed trying to protect the object, and then Oh, fucking, well, anything)

Forsiets[ForsiyskayaRepub 17.10.19

Roy, with the confidence of a man who slandered you have not done anything wrong, you play the hero on the other side of the monitor is white and fluffy knows everything, knows everything, except that you so well no one knows, and most in the readings not just suspected, just some twitchy paranoid with monthly each Champ will molnichi, put themselves above the rest and hang your noodles on the ears of the people who are with this guy in real life who played it live, you know, unlike you of pirdun, only able obserat all in his chair. In haste rivet vidosic with empty insults and run happy Look at me! I burned chitaka! I proved everything! And even willing to discuss it with you, hang with you some more noodles, suddenly not enough!
Rоy wrote:
Of course now citeron and his lovers will say that just randomly threw a spam email is not clear where.
And you yourself haven't jammed tongue licking assholes to everyone, who here has any credibility? Direct melt when you are focused. You impose your opinion and want everyone to do exactly as you said, regardless of whether you want it or not.
Do me a favor, not for himself so at least for the rest, learn to respect people and stop acting like shit, let people play in peace without your scandals! You're constantly trying to peresralis all someone you don't like, get offended and go into obsession, created from fictional thee same problems and prejudices. And second, reading this post without jokes and hatred imagine, seriously, how nice it would be if you didn't get shit? Now it was not for this topic, no one would fight, everyone would quietly together, played together and did not spend the nerves in the shuffle, is it any worse than what's happening now?

User666 17.10.19

For that matter such a thing.
Comrades, let you to arrange srach at least here, not in TS?
I remember not so long ago, I went some kid says played (apparently I was on vacation when), and it is the clarification of the circumstances so zadolbali.. he's gone.
When I was GIVEN started to make waves in the one friend, also decided to drive with us.
Seems to be another FORCE we drove, and the same situation was.
To be honest, since months. or two for all I care the game began, finished off the tournament and now I have in my life a change of priorities. The same srach in the vehicle got to me and listen to I don't want that, I want to populyat pofik lose, you win and go to sleep with good mood.
You are losing players, three of them new at least missed, staged DOM2, Roy always punishes Given, or Vice versa, XS that there is a role-playing game.
Well, to prove themselves... to play soon will not be with someone at such a pace.

Take this opportunity to say thank you (if memory serves) Mandu (or cold?), I once noticed, invited to AS Well and not strange Roy for good coaching and the game in the 13th tournament :) the Finale was entertaining.

Cold Mind 17.10.19

Assault is good because it is possible to play without voice communication. People come to the training camp the same, what to do in the game know. Come into the TeamSpeak and you will be less often with normal mood to play and go, as well as shooting you can focus when one ear is not screaming ;)

OMG 17.10.19

ahah even the Force couldn't keep up.