Questions on Origin (Mass Effect 3)
Help does not work.If can in the form of skrinshotov or videosThis bestial,***********,*********** origin of first half hour was not allowed to check in and then get him to play in the demo ME3 was ponadobitsa it should be?To play free games you need to buy anything?If not,please explain how to run the demo.
in my games , click on mass effect and there will be displayed the product code, copy and play.
Played the demo of multiplayer, and are seriously thinking about buying a license (or key). But the main question for me - do I need to install this piece of shit (Origin) for the game? I really don't like zahlamlenie your computer with all sorts of foreign customers, so if you want even for the disk version for me pirates.
Author stamp for full information to you right here:
to set the origin for the 1st run will have, then it will be possible to go, say origin is only needed for activation
And activation is produced not through the website? Really need a client? As for the game, the service can be embedded in the game, so it does not require external client.
For information in the blog came in, it mentions the origin service, but it can mean both website and in-game support service, and the need to install an external client. Do I need to install the client it is not written.
In General, two options:
1) Either the game will have built-in support for service Origin
2) Or the game will not be built in support of service Origin, and it will depend on the foreign Origin client
So I'm trying to find out what will be.
When playing ME3 in Origin chat are written only in English letters language change does not help, when minimize the game freely is written in Russian. Help with this problem.
I pre-ordered in origin, and in the list of games ME3 has not appeared. Need something to wait for or something to do?Explain please, and then the incentive is if you buy something,there once everything is in place.
I congratulate you, but the change of language does not help is not yavl. the same as your alt+shift and ???
to change during the game in the original language, you need to change the layout the opposite way, i.e. if you default change the layout alt+shift, try and use ctrl+shift,and Vice versa.
More precisely, look in settings change the shortcut keys. If you notice there is a change input language and change keyboard layout. We are interested in the second.