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AlRo 09.06.20 03:15 pm

The problem with USB headphones

Have A4Tech headphones, when connected to the USB after some time may disappear the sound, and the time interval is always different, there is a short click and the sound disappears, only helps to reconnect the USB cable from the headphones. There is another option to connect it to my keyboard Razer, you connect the sound doesn't disappear, but the sound quality is noticeably worse than when connected to the computer. What could be the problem? Why the sound disappears only in one variant?
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falsh777 09.06.20

If the front panel of the poke you have to check its status. Often on the diagram where the inputs are soldered couple wrong. You can directly wire. Check the voltage. Should be exactly 5V. Poke multimer in the extreme left and right contacts. In between the cable look, etc., etc.

AlRo 09.06.20

Inserted in the back, USB which go from the Mat Board and the same thing

AlRo 09.06.20

With other USB devices do not have any problems, not in back, not in front of the only headphones here

falsh777 09.06.20

Well, try to change if bought.

AlRo 09.06.20

Headphones about 5 years, after the next upgrade of the computer, replaced the CPU, Mat fee, etc., appeared this problem

falsh777 09.06.20

These things are very picky about the quality of the food. In this direction, and to dig.

AlRo 09.06.20

And test other headphones is not possible. But if headphones are 2 miniature phone, the problem goes away?

falsh777 09.06.20

Should since a completely different system I / o.

cobra10x 09.06.20

The same such garbage appeared ,headphones Dexp Blaze on an old computer, all clearly made abgreyd completely new computer ,PPC is now the same sound can disappear at any time for a couple of seconds and then it appears tried to the front and back and through hub through hub sound after a while even starts to distort,what is this I don't understand why on an old computer with an old mother and then did so ,working headphones ,usb all the same ,minicuci all the rules ,fiction) the truth is riser a virtual surround sound but he and the old stood and norms.