A break of the block (For Honor)
Is it possible to predict a Penetration unit which is tied to the X button, there is like lights up icon Breaking, but it happens at the same time with a break or do you leave?need dramatically press the X button, when you pressed the button X.
Dodge not real. it so happens that before the enemy presses X and does not get to you.
Flavius Eugenius
It turns out I hit later, but the enemy after that will be stunned or just interrupt his attack? This is what I was missing, and the guy with the shield slow to Dodge, and if you punch it, especially the bitch with two knives as you begin to poke from all sides, still poisoning.
When you break the block icon appears and I have to catch you Then press X. the enemy a little contusion and discarded not far away. If you learn the counter measures to be taken against H. it is 80% of victory)
Okay, thank you. This is the only moment which is annoying in boevka. Although the possibility of the rage mode still did not understand until the end, they're kind of independent character, although it was written in shocks become blocked , and their opponents quiet block.