Not enough buyers of goods! What to do? (Cities: Skylines)
Not enough buyers of goods! What to do?RIkRainhard
Industrial area should be easily accessible for freight transport and as direct connected with the highway to neighboring cities and it is desirable to build a freight terminal railroad near the prom area, it is especially for such areas is important. The industrial zone should not be too far from the main residential area, but not too close. It is not necessary to build industrial area away from the city, with the exception of oil production and ore mining. Through the industrial zone should be at least a little public transport like bus or at least one taxi stand. Judging by the photos you have traffic through the prom area at all no.
But the zone with the usual industry, I would not build in such quantities. Environmental contamination is too great. Better to build more agricultural the industrial areas and a little forest industrial zones.
Enamel Suna
Industrial area should be away from residential. Otherwise, residents will experience increased pollution and noise. But the commercial zone should be next to residential.
Not...Well, Holy shit.... As read the comments?!! I write that the stores should be in residential zone and not in a remote industrial.
Read carefully.
Enamel Suna
And shops got to do with it? Because we are talking about promyshlennyh:)
The way the game has a very short fuse. It collects the city's garbage, it uses 2 musorovozki 10. I suddenly begin to accumulate in the homes of corpses, in the crematoria, and cemeteries.
It is not enough manpower to industrial and commercial zones, although the population in the city is more than enough for this. I even mod put for this, and then zadolbali industrial zone to opustajuci because of the shortage of workers. Residents of Oprah, but I don't want to work these loafers:))
The same problem was observed. Solved active export. This, consequently developing connections with the outside world - trains, boats, road network. Also, it is important to understand that the road there is a spending budget, and the more you allocate, the more transport. So, do the export of heavy machinery, increasing the budget for roads, and it is actively trample, the main thing is to have the exit to the highway and large enough bandwidth, otherwise you get caught up in traffic jams. Tube, this is a huge problem in this game, plan the industrial zone correctly! This is a real headache.
There are guides on the construction of the city without traffic jams.