Constantly killed animal. (Far Cry: Primal)
Very often any domesticated animal on rocky terrain and tries to attack anyone. As I understand it, they're paws do not look, and in the end, stupidly flushed from the rocks, cliffs, etc. you Have to call them on a smooth landscape. The whole point is that playing mode Survival, where it is impossible to raise animals. And if you die saber-toothed tiger from the mission the big hunt", it would be completely wrong... It is the most visible and annoying problem in the game, but I see that about this problem, nobody writes and nobody cared about... Maybe these suicidal tendencies prisliste just for my soul? :-)Janibek Asleep
In a small rocks all the rules, this is mainly evident where it hooks to hold my hand, etc., that is a very steep and high cliffs, but in the game they are not enough.
And today in one of the missions where you had to swim under water in the rocks, I ran up to tame the tiger. So it's a miracle it went to the bottom of the river, it stopped ... well, the outcome is clear)
Not because of glitches, I have noticed only that where the hook to hook onto or under the water to swim( in the mission where the camp had come soon here are Pocitelj) my Panther on a rock just stood there and looked at me. but then when I smooth the surface out there was close, but it was only 2-3 times
Janibek Asleep
I had the problem that the beast was Tapachula just at the place where I had to climb, but the beast stood there and did not allow me to do it(
Leonid Naumets
And is that on leaving the house(cave, etc.) will get up and walk does not give
If the beast prevents the pass, there is a very easy way to move - hold right button, point the crosshair on any point on the terrain and click the G (default), i.e. the same steps as with the command FAS, but in this case it acts as the command place. or sit!. The beast then runs to this point and remains there until you call or throw someone.
By the way, it helps when you secretly something exciting and don't want the beast underfoot and flickers from time to time... :) Choose a secluded corner (so the enemies wouldn't notice the beast), command place., and when you first need to call or incite an enemy.
Well, if you hang on the hook and the beast tightly blocked you, the only way was to send him away, to climb the cliff and call again. :)
Oh, and another tip - passing by herds of mammoths and rhinos, to continuously keep the pet around, or he will begin to growl and lifted up, and the predators they can not stand and go into attacking mode and he'll be trampled and you get... the sabertooth is better just to ride (with skill) and to zip by at maximum speed, to avoid excesses... :)