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Irvalande 11.06.20 09:23 pm

Pair questionyou on the classics. (Diablo 2)

Hello.! Started doing Sorka on the paravozov through the classics first character (I read somewhere that it is useful), but when the fourth act of the Hel go to Lod perehotelos and wanted to stay on the classics. In this regard, such issues.

She Sorka LVL 69
50/30/245/45 and 50 free

Blizzard, blast, km - 20
Nova, frozen armor - 1
spike - 3, bolt 6
Nova 4, LM, static, television 1
warmth - 1

Things sad will not show..)
1) How to get HKS on 1 ppl with a bunch of cold imonov of oblivion?
2) to Kill Diablo?
3) to throw loose the stats?
4) Continue maxing out synergies to Blizzard or anything else?
5) Where to get standards things?
6) What to do with the stones?
7) Where to swing?
8) heard somewhere about the usefulness of Bo-barbarian. As it is faster just to rock with this sorce?
9) is There any reason to download the ENCs Sorka?
10) does it make sense to parasite for rannyh of the rings ormusa and Akari?

Everything seems to be..))
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Oranowe 11.06.20

all about the development in CL.
if left on CR to provozit not necessary, stones acare sell or throw out.
the multiple characters ~LVL 90, all have done without Bo beaver and Jenca. if it is direct hunting to be such characters, then shake first jenča and then Bo. both 55 LVL enough.

minovalo 11.06.20

How to get HKS on 1 ppl with a bunch of cold imonov of oblivion?
Without the second element (assuming that the regen shot down or damage it covers) all. At least you have to kill 1 printed unique oblivia. In principle, static takes HP almost to the bottom, and you low nov'Oh, to finish.

Whether you kill Diablo?
Not worth it. At least until we have another Chara for quest loot.

Where to throw a free stats?
Standard: up (looking at things, but hardly more than 75) and Dex (51 for shard) under armor, Vita - rest.

Then maxing out the synergies to Blizzard or anything else?
If Sora to KL (but not wigs), then Yes, in synergy. If you still carry, you can teleport and the + 2 element to shake.

Where to get standards things?
From the Assembly bosses. Best of all - from hell Diablo, but it requires a fighter immune (presumably hammer).

What to do with the stones?
Very useful recipes for classics there. Being cooked rare with skulls? XS, XS. To put on the mule Pro stock (all of a sudden the same strikes in Lod to play).

Where to swing?
Solo - where there is no or little cold immunol. For example, maggoty, tunnels in the Lost City or the mausoleum, River of Flame may not have them. Better, of course, in pati HCS cleaned.

Heard somewhere about the usefulness of Bo-barbarian. As it is faster just to rock with this sorce?
Carrying for a in 2 Windows. For NMCS, for example, letting TP seals. But the first 25-30 levels better Enem stuff.

Is there any reason to download the ENCs Sorka? ^_^

Does it make sense to parasite for rannyh of the rings ormusa and Akari?
Not much point. But, if you are not lazy, you can at hell gidbinn to make mules.

QLinkee 11.06.20

The stones may be loaded into a special mule, which then translate into Lod, and sell.

Keissy-J 11.06.20


T-Fox 11.06.20

Hi, OBS.

Obsessed 11.06.20

T-Fox, TH? :D

Irvalande, double passed and Culinar.
stones (perf.) in KL almost need 3 diamond shield Sorka, 3 Cham. and 3 sapphires in the mask Sorka for wigs on normal-nightmare.

complete agreement on the question, *AK cold Sorka to bring down immuno no. I was really into the combo of Statik+Firewall.


Irvalande 11.06.20

Thanks to all..)) a few more questions

1) Where drops the shard and magefist?
2) What should be the priority when choosing gear: resists, FCR, FHR, HP, etc.?
3) how important icob/FBI on the shield?
Ie, a shield cooler 3 socket tower with three diamonds or blue prismatic 30/20 19 all RES?
4) is There any sense to fight for the shard? 63 FCR is very different from the 37?

minovalo 11.06.20

Where drops the shard and magefist?
Normal Diablo shake.

What should be the priority when choosing gear: resists, FCR, FHR, HP, etc.?
All of the above. And block.

How important icob/FBI on the shield?
It's better to define yourself. I without max block and ...of deflecting uncomfortable, although if a really good rare is, it is possible to remove the twitch.

Is there any sense to fight for the shard?
Variants are almost there. Is that a wand with FCR++ to carry, but it's still worse.

Obsessed 11.06.20

Irvalande, FKR better to just call with cords shard+mages. only 63%. speed is everything. there is no conflict of priorities. otherwise, the FHR is very important (it is desirable to collect 60%), but not at the expense of CPS and the cuts at the rare. in short, you need all at once. :-) in volume and complexity.
I think it would be better prismatic. with 75% block, you take away 3/4 of Phys attacks (ESI nicho do not confuse), and KL or 75% with Twitch, or 60%, but with a greasy buns.
shard and shard only. to pull Wanda with 20% fcr = peretaptyvalis to bezrybe. :-)

PS the chance that you'd catch TWO rings: fcr+hp+2res+str is very low. without fcr - have a chance anymore. therefore it is necessary to use Mages. if you weigh the pros raznyh mittens vs pros 2 колец_без_fcr, the rings win. plus, the sk fire Mages and mana regeneration.

Irvalande 11.06.20

Thank you very much..) still fell magefist..) shard does not want...he nagambie ward with 45 allres. why suggest it in the guides? have a 3-diamond tower shield resists more.

Began to swing enserco..started the mules went by Sorka, gave everyone the party started to run in two Windows...and Encarta gets 1 of the ECSR with the mob...maybe somehow doing it wrong?...

PS there are rumors about a reset..maybe I shouldn't bother?..)

minovalo 11.06.20

why suggest it in the guides?
Well it is easier the tower, perf only 7 all res less terbium less power, a little better unit. But we both shared the school: no FBR (that may or may not be critical).

started to run in two Windows...and Encarta gets 1 of the ECSR with the mob
Of course. The difference of levels of chars is too big. Experience after is divided in proportion to their levels. In 2 Windows it makes sense to pump small Persian only where every mob a lot of exp. So while alone or in good company.

maybe I shouldn't bother?
So can wait for years (and not wait). Want - play. It's simple.

Obsessed 11.06.20

why suggest it in the guides?
Irvalande, because people are inclined to thievery. I've recently been told that there is nothing better than Breath of the Dying. ;-)

Want - play. It's simple.
passed, +1.

Torum. 11.06.20

Well, I don't want to say that nothing, but not so long ago we celebrated the third anniversary of the ladder season, and then there's one admin to another something said.
In General, it's your business.

Irvalande 11.06.20

Running on a di with a quest drop..for about 100 runs, but the shard did not fall..((

Question about gamble:
1. Gull - ilvl 6
2. Hotspur - ilvl 7

That is, character level 7 it is theoretically possible to nagambie?

Obsessed 11.06.20

Irvalande, Yes, but Persian LVL 7 very quickly becomes 8, 9, etc.
in short, there have been cases - make new Persian, it is the norm with Anem Bang, fell Gull. at zero MF.

QLinkee 11.06.20

You rubate sit? And PM not read.

Irvalande 11.06.20

Obsessed, and can not fall..))) what he's getting above the 7th, standing in the city and gamble?..)

QLinkee, sitting here..) with the phone sitting...online only in the evening I may...((( thank you..))

Obsessed 11.06.20

Irvalande to gamblit Gull?? MDE.. well, if pins..
what are you goals in the game to put the TC? :-) all nogebat or to build a complete collection of uniques? fuck you that Gul, if you have nothing to catch him? :-) I was never interested in, processed if Blizzy based on drop chance of uniques/sets/rare from %MF, but rare items on CL to catch very easily (with 0-20% MF) and a question only in luck with their characteristics.

Persian LVL 7 very quickly becomes 8, 9, etc.
want to bet? ;D

QLinkee 11.06.20

If qdrop is, then MF on the classics harms, not helps, since the greatest value the value of rare items, and if qdrop'e, if not passed validation on Unica and set, then next will be 100% of rare items. With increasing MF increases the chance of unique and set (if a thing can't be unique/set you'll get a RAR/majdik with increased strength that is needed, perhaps only in the case rarey lance). Thus, increasing MF will decrease the amount rare in favor of set–>magic.

Irvalande 11.06.20

Obsessed, top 1 ladder..) and even want adrenaline, so the hardcore will go..))

Yes, gamblit gull is not a good idea..I agree...)) but Hotspur necessary unik..and you can posablity)))

QLinkee, so I Unico and catch..) for example sodzh with the rules of Diablo.) Or hell andriel.!) there is a chance.!