Well here, I think, affected by the lack of the api on the computer. May help installation or reinstallation. On the website of NVIDIA is.
Well, the driver vidyuhi from your amd card(which is unknown), and included with the latest driver 16.t.d., is the driver version 1.0.26 api for vulkan, I think.
DenS SliM ShadY
I had not seen it while installing, only DirectX and Microsoft Visual C++
The idea he had set along with the game as it is an individual icon and in the game settings is present.
DenS SliM ShadY
Well, Yes. I just bought a new vidyuhi, and shook the fresh wood.
Guys, I'm in hardware and software and guided on this website registered for almost 10 years, please do not give stupid advice like reboot, install, reinstall, upgrade)
In the AMD driver folder is the installer VulkanRT.
However, I have the game when you start start to issue a bug report. Graphics card HD7790
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