12.06.20 08:16 pm
Reviews of Ren ...
And so ! The Film Anna Karenina (2012),tells of the tragic fate of a woman, who has experienced first delicate, fine, light feeling of love from ... (Please) ...Vaska who had treated her ear (handsome, not confused , much respect ), then also the child she fathered , in concave film of course . Then went and married a young Pro-whores (as usually happens in life ) ! Annushka , all that remains is to step under a train (as bars and BBQ with tweet - classmates - contacts.. not there ), because her marriage had collapsed in stuff , and everything around her turned away like a leper loving ! -) or better((((
PS: That's just one thing I don't understand why she jumped under a train, it could make it easier as usually in women sometimes to go and fuck some asshole. No, it is necessary under the train ... a Classic of the genre, Though! (By the way Natalie Portman played perfectly with this film) (My Review) THE END! Rating 5 (Rating 0-5 )
But guess again ... how about this scenario ??? Not expected ... not ?