Need overwatch! (Overwatch)
Played on the free weekend and the game is a direct sunk into the soul, but the finances are a problem now. Maybe there who already have enough? can offer exchange there are several entities. games.Also played, but odd as it is not liked at all. Now sure that the money they ask for it, not pay-for-what.
At any time the original owner can reclaim the account, so the exchange/purchase, I advise you not to. The maximum that you can count that someone will give you ACC just to play. True it cherevato a problem for him - Blizzard forbids to play your account to anyone and can easily be banned (already there were precedents when the top streamers get banned main accounts for the boost akkov spectators). So much to expect that someone will give you the ACC race is not:) Yes, buy Save:)
If very tight with the coin, and without the game breaking, the only option to sell their copies of games on any trading platform (so-so varych, but bezrybe and a cancer a pike).
Also played free wahah, bent God forbid, a couple of times in 30 0 got. And all that iz seemed.
After asked a friend to play (somewhere a couple of days after o). He had 30лвл and he nifiga not played this game.
An OPE*dulala I only way. by and large. CD 2 came out only when izi Persians rolled, difficult often in the negative fell.
Conclusion: wahah played game shkolota!