Shutdown (Mad Max)
Please help. The first Repack I download from 3дм v1 - run to the moment with the dog. Put 3дм v2 stopped zapuskatsya,hung in the process 5-10 seconds and disappears. 3дм v3 same download 3-4 different Repack\stonebow - everywhere the same. The wind changed from 8.1 to 7, put scamrip, when you start to find out error - stopped program. Rocked separately 3дм v3 also did not help.Thebullet Bulletin
I have a time zone change on Hong Kong and Beijing and go ahead and run)
Thebullet Bulletin
Run from an administrator from the game folder, if not help, then wait for another crack or buy.
from the administrator to the contrary do not run like you said it will hang in the process
I have crack v 2 only from the administrator from the game folder run
And the tablet still will be? just wrote somewhere that this working and will no longer
Thebullet Bulletin
Will, as not all starts without translation time, and this also needs to be corrected. Anyway, not everyone runs.
Thebullet Bulletin
HOW I solved the problem with zapuskom game,I changed the time from the beginning to any other,then Hong Kong after overloaded a computer and after turning off skech left program !start and mod max!
Hello, tell me , when you start stupidly throws on the Desk, and writes the program to stop running.
in short you sound like a crooked iron that I have now UNDA 7 and I can tell you with 3 version of tablet and translation in Hong Kong and Beijing again everything works without admin rights, without transfer belt watch says it stopped work so I think now what's wrong with your hardware config in profile