Shutdown (Mad Max)
Please help. The first Repack I download from 3дм v1 - run to the moment with the dog. Put 3дм v2 stopped zapuskatsya,hung in the process 5-10 seconds and disappears. 3дм v3 same download 3-4 different Repack\stonebow - everywhere the same. The wind changed from 8.1 to 7, put scamrip, when you start to find out error - stopped program. Rocked separately 3дм v3 also did not help.from the administrator start and several times during the first runs, the same crap
and where I have curve PC I have everything worked on win 8.1 only map crashes and the game is very lag after 15 minutes of the game and it always restarting game did not help only operatius PC
Q: the Game crashes with a white window after start
A: Change the time zone to GMT+8 (Beijing), or use included in the Repack the launcher (on the desktop there is an icon)
Q: Yes still falling!
A: Delete the folder C:/Users/ваше username/Dоcuments/WB Games/Mad Max/Backup Saves
Q: Not helping!
A: Close FRAPS or any other snimali video and screenshots, you can run them already when the game works
Q: Cool, works! But crashes when calling the map (Tab button)
A: do Not use the card until it will not show in training
Q: the Game still occasionally crashes. Memory leak?
A: Yes, the drug V3 is still far from stability. Either wait for a new, or SUFFER LIKE ALL SURVIVORS!
I helped
Pull like, a friend of the same processor and graphics card is GTX 450-all played on high)
Nikita Buslov
Try to reinstall the OS on Win 10 x64, then update the video card drivers and the C++ library too, to renew, and you will be happy)
Card will work only after 5 minutes on. game crashes often associated with the trainer, checked personally)
Gamers are the experts, please help. I'm in the game Tupac, rarely played.
In General, playing himself, played, and then the interruption of play. When you next start the game nothing happens, only the time zone is changed to Beijing, did not seem to run the game. The time zone is changed automatically run with administrator rights. What is the pill worth it - I XS, not razberayus. Before it was prekraschenie work, but in the next. once the game starts, antivirusnik off. What can be this?
How to install pills/patches I don't know
Not much ridicule me, that do not fucking know)