So was the elephant? (Diablo 2)
We know the answer! The elephant was not, but it is sure to be already sold more than 320 key item in Agawam equivalent. This means that each laborer of MFER can get coveted any free. For this you need to run from the command line cmd, and in it to registernetstat -n | findstr 4000
this command will show us the IP of the active games(games that already hang our characters). All three IPS 182, 87, 174. We are interested in the game only with the end ...174:2000
why do I need to understand the structure of the network? to be able to circumvent the restriction on the 13 Windows how are you?
PAK-PYK wrote:
na vore i wapka kak govoritsa ;D
how exactly you're talking about yourself noticed
Obsessed wrote:
linus is obviously something most people
Linus Torvalds! stidno ne znat!
Yes LAN you calm down, it was merged soja 50 random noobies who were privately drain, under the guise that not enough. The elephant will, but not in the next few days (weeks), but the window to hold OFC.
Joke delayed :D
I have from 18:00 to 19:30 parent meeting. So while the counter don't touch there. As you come home, I will unsubscribe.
And, by the way, I wonder, are there any limits how much can you keep playing? I just saw in the chat kick/ban with the wording afk. Maybe if you keep the game too, will start to ban?
So parents let them go, and you're afraid at home :D
I, MB, don't know the whole situation, but the rules of such paragraph, like, no.
YOKOZUNA koko ni aru, but where you STILL elicit? :D it's just a Pichu with Sakai..
PAK-PYK, 1:1 ;D
Pavel Abakumov, yok0o, abejita, I'm at work, can not make it! :( and Koke wow star Masonic forehead finished! ;D
P. S. and as a minor will allow.. :(
Top_Gun, and so you, too, Mason? :D could have said something.. and then meeting I have a meeting.. ;(