Some statistics on keys + snake (Diablo 2)
Hi all, went away after the festivities? Th case to discuss.With the first 100-200 races to Countess became clear to me that the keys fall down from it not like before. So, I decided to keep statistics on it and the other two bosses, dropsy keys.
Made on each of about 1000-1100 for races 1,3,5 and 8 ppl. Statistics conducted for only 3 ppl. I quote it below:
800 runs countess - 68 keys
500 races summoner - 58 keys
800 runs nihlathak - 89 keys
Total we have: 1:11, 1:9, 1:9. And I would like to note that I nihla 20 times out without achieving it, because light immunity and stone skin. About 3 years ago with Countess fell perfectly, and nihla bad, but now the opposite is true. Admin wtf? She so fly just sucks, and then there's her and drop keys fixanol. Armor falls from nihla also better at times than both the others taken.
A cloud of snakes loosened 100%. Not only that, when merc on it goes you are not that, he himself ran one loses only a third of HP. passed, I didn't!)
So nn us the opportunity to change the destr 1 3 ter. Give equality of keys in price!!!!!
ps if anyone led the statistics on the keys, throw here - compare, evaluate, draw conclusions.
Damn, no one said that Clear done,but it is !long wanted and searched for those topics (not the old and the new about Kay and Matt of raniga) and I want to say that he noticed that Nala firewood has become higher.
that he noticed that Nala firewood has become higher.
Or maybe you just became more for him to fly?;D
George Zumbuli, admin twirled wood, not otherwise. ;( all freebies, all the okazualivanie.. ;(
George Zumbuli
well, how would all this info at the arreat is. that almost exactly coincided with what the author wrote. a longer distance will be an exact match.
I want to thank passed for the Council. Rocked the light Sorka. Do to farm keys to cope quickly. Though she had 120 Fcr gain. Things krabovymi can not be named.
DionisiiD, ahem.. without minovali in any way? ;D with 120% fcr snakes do not have time to bite? ;-)
saw ww Bobryk safely and efficiently coped with Nilam in the IR set. teleport - it's lip. it's about characters without Eni on nihla.
ww Bobryk safely and efficiently handled
Yes (and the rather howl than the actual BB), but why.. Sora like not only to nalu able (to quickly).
lait_one, nunucbka_8cm, rogue! that's going to have Ekapadasana, will teach you quickly to carry, will all be in Enigma! ;{
FERC demanded dolyashka with wigs, but otherwise will lower the drop him, he began to flood his mate, and he was offended and in the hearts missed the mouse and sent to the bathhouse potsika. but it is purely my speculation and fantasy. ))
PS : but dude there will be more time on wigs and not be distracted by forum, where no one understands his greatness and true pariko-skill
Few people know, but dolyashka with wigs he goes with as long as they cut D
What valuable you have nihl propanol? Me for 15 key sets, in addition to 5 boards for the niche of cooking is not given. But the Countess is pleased with Shaka, the 240/20 Raven, state perchace on AMC, Poole, East and blank ETX Thresher with 4 sockets(this is not with her, but Thea at least:)
Rivnyanyn wrote:
What valuable you have nihl propanol? Me for 15 key sets, in addition to 5 boards for the niche of cooking is not given. But the Countess is pleased with Shaka, the 240/20 Raven, state perchace on AMC, Poole, East and blank ETX Thresher with 4 sockets(this is not with her, but Thea at least:)
the same situation for a couple of seasons or 1 norms clothes with Nala. (as pindle). life is pain.