Vertical sync (Star Wars: Battlefront 2 (2017))
Include the plane in the settings and fps all the same more than a hundred , Monique 60 Hz.ArmandoX
yeah really , thanks for the tip, just before if this was not included in the over & under game and then all worked as it should.
I have the downloads under 200fps issues, and when the game starts things calming down under herculist Monica 75fps with vsync on. And when download go percent 4790к 100% loaded!?
loganhog wrote:
I have the downloads under 200fps issues, and when the game starts things calming down under herculist Monica 75fps with vsync on. And when download go percent 4790к 100% loaded!
All right. As it should be.
How can you play with Vsync? When you rotate the camera the mouse as if floating and input lag increases. One thing in singles play against bots, but in the network shooter comes to speed. I do not know. Maybe it's just me considerably.
Vsync removes the tearing and fps aligns with hercovka Monica! If you have a monitor in 60герц and you always play with Vsync disabled, the fps will naturally be high(if your PC hardware allows), as well as performance in the game, but there are horizontal stripes on the screen that really hate(unless Monique is not embedded gsync or freesync)! And clear the stump, at incl.Vsync the fps drops to hercouet your monitor! Me from 75 fps quite comfortably! Yes, the difference between 60 and 75фпс when on Vsync noticeable, but if 144g monitor and above, though VL.Vsync though there will be still fast and breaks will not be seen or very little of the game still depends!
loganhog wrote:
...If you have a monitor in 60герц and you always play with Vsync disabled, the fps will naturally be high(if your PC hardware allows), as well as performance in the game, but there are horizontal stripes on the screen that really hate(unless Monique is not embedded gsync or freesync)!...
Don't need special Monique with integrated gsync or freesync. For example, in the nVidia panel you can set as Fast and play without the horizontal stripes (gaps screen), when you disabled vertical sync.
The idea is for AMD should be something similar, but not exactly say - the last time used their graphics card when it was still the Catalyst Control Center, and then this function is not used.