How to remove the shadows? (Borderlands 2)
Good day, please tell me how to disable shadows in the game? in nesterko there's no such section. And because of the shadows in my game really freezes(the PC game). Thank you in advance.)Set this config. Everything is fine, 45-60 frames normally stable. BUT... sometimes for no reason at all sags 20-25 frames somewhere for 20-25 seconds. Then again, everything comes back to normal. What could be the problem?
How to return the loading screens when moving between locations (neinteresno like watching the black background) what line in the config is responsible for this?
Just noticed that even videos to all sorts of Zeds, tennis and other off. How to return something?
Actually know what to write here almost meaningless, but still, if you have the opportunity to upload it .ini file, I'd be extremely grateful)
Risteard Leonchro
Hello,can you give me a link with the config on borderlands2 for PC?Just the config deleted on file hosting :(
Nikolai Bushmakin
If still relevant, can pour their own, there is a small correction. At 15-20фпс on the map outside of combat, rose to a steady 35-50fps depending on the map. The fighting became more or less playable, somewhere around 20фпс.