Problems with the game. (Ghostbusters: The Video Game)
Write what I can so help!You need to go in the game image,there is in the setup folder there is a bin folder,all the files from there throw in cornevin and put crack.
people can't pass the place where you have the spirit of the fisherman to catch.
there stones more expensive block, I say get the detector and in General esli bring the detector to the side of the machine gazirovki dorogo to which block are the sama the stones, the detector gives a strong short, I nedopiraesh where it is necessary to restore sight.
when you start a new career once seemed 2 rollers(one regular saver with cool graphics, the 2nd video in the office - hunters) starts zaluska. Loaded around 30 seconds, then the error sound, the download stops and all..... Files from the bin folder and crack took off
Have me was something like just eternal download of as I yesterday 5 hours rocked with the torrent I got mad and pulled the computer from the network )))))) is a PPP ))))))) and after that she have me earned ))!!!!
When you run gives!!!What to do!
All the problem is solved. I do not know what exactly was the problem, but when I installed the first time, I installed a Custom installation and choose. I then erased and put the default installation, there was an error that was too high as delivered, FSUs, as I lowered, but the problem remained, now the errors did not appear and just crashes the game. I put the new wood on vidyuhi and DirectX. It all went!
Looks like you threw in the game bin folder and this is inappropriately text from the image setup --> bin files in the game itself ( in the folder) and throw the crack replacing everything will go!!!
The problem as Breack92 trying to reinstall the game (manually because Unistal in the game folder not found) begin installation window appears with options Remove,Repair,Modify. Remove push it kind of removes but there was no click again, a window appears with a choice of the remaining two begin to automatically install in the place where stood the game (D/Games/Atari) can somebody help?
I have the same problem as kindkeks and Breack92 but this method did not help me!!!!!!what to do!
And no one will tell you where to download latest DirectX well, and it is desirable to have the last wood on GeForce 9800Gt
Use but did know how to read. it did not help. wood vidyuhi and DirectX is also updated.
Z1_Key you what none?
Phew, the game went really it was the fact that I chose a path where to install the game but now another problem, lag, sound, or rather voices, as their pulls, nobody knows what can help?