Bug - Barik became invisible. (Tyranny)
In fact, anyone met this bug and how to fight it ?? Enemies it is not agreda, you can just run off into the crowd and make all one of Barik. Did not understand as to remove him from the party?. Tell me , pliz.I have one this bug ?? Tell me how to remove from the party Barika? Not found this option
I have no more characters. Information about this bug with invisibility did not find anywhere ((
I have so lantri after using potions of invisibility to become invisible. and its not attacking
I found a way. Although we may have different bugs.
The crux of the problem - gone YEARS. It's worse than the NPC - it can be changed. The bug exists in 2 versions:
1)the character can not see, the green circle under the feet visible
2) the character can not see, the green circle at all.
How is it treated: it is necessary to make active the action with hand - to climb the wall, climb the rope, and so on. Then the invisibility disappears. But not for long. After some time he again invisible. FDI than potions and scrolls of invisibility actually never used!
It also helps the restart of the game. But again- not for long.
This is a bug and that's it.
About the hotfixes has anyone heard? The point of having a hemorrhoid, if a week is this bug corrected? People are such idiots.
usually this bug in games occurs because of some bhagavandas clothes on someone-try to change to another invisible through experiments calculate the Chinese rags)))
or stupidly it bhagavane potion,roll back to intake
but Barik is mostly as I understand bukovany pers-even before I dressed, he liked to hang forever after combo Sybil(essesno the battle never ends and neither sleep nor leave, even if all is already cut)