Co-op (Assassin's Creed: Unity)
From a recent presentation Yubisoft, I think many interesting and learned a brand new game element for the series AC, the ability to play co-op. It is known that the maximum number of players is: = 4. Based on this information, this theme was created for those who want to play co-op and looking for a mate. Many people can say they say it's still early, why, and so on.... The answer is simple, in this topic you will be able to find 3 players willing to play with you in CO-OP. And then just add each other to friends in Uplai-Incentive-Origene ( where someone ordered the game ) and wait for output. No one is forcing you to communicate every day with these people, but not now prohibited to play any other game, in order to get used to the style of each.So I'll start, and if you want to support the theme - I will be glad.
1) what platform I play PC, PSP, xBox
2) In what occupations are going to buy the game? - Uplay
3) Your username-your nickname, what would you find in the service - ardvarking
4) required number of players in CO-OPE - 2,3,4.
5) How often you want and can play? - Every day at least 1-3 hours.
Once you find a 3x,2x or 1st friend to play on CO-ops and you will be quite please to remove comments from this topic so as not to mislead those players who are still looking for partners.
Thank you for your attention, hope for your understanding and assistance.
Looking for friends-companions.
1) PC
2) Steam - Uplay
3) Uplay login: cuba_13
4) AC: U login: Cuba_13
5) number of players in the cooperative - no matter Age - 18+
6) Play every day 1-2 hours, begin in the district from 21 to 30 in Minsk.
Let's be friends ^____^
Will there be unity in a competitive multipleer as in the previous parts ? or what ? a purely co-op against bots is not interesting too about anything!,,
Good afternoon everyone
Looking for people to add to the brotherhood to activate bonuses and joint games
1. PC
2. Uplay
3. login - BloodDem (uplay) teseys21 (brotherhood)
4. Number of players - no difference
5. Play after 20 GMT
My club, russia2015
Recruiting into the brotherhood!
3.My login - ZefirGhost
4.The name of the club - HUNTER_ASSASSIN
5.Tag club - R161
6.Number of Players makes no difference
We are already 23 people,we are always in 1 place and received awards.
Join us as we look forward to seeing you.
1) platform - PS4
2) nick - Gwyndolin45
3) the desired number of players - 2+
5) will be Able to play every day after 18:00 GMT.There are days when I can play all day
1) platform - PC
2) nick is Tall(In the game) SeregaBY88 Uplay
3) the desired number of players - 3+
5) Play a lot the exact time no
Looking for club
Email Skype teeg1988
Looking for people to enjoy the game.
1) Platform-PC.
2) Nick in the game-Shariazdan
3) Number of players-no difference
4) Service-UPlay
5) Skype: asabasa16
I play 2-3 hours minimum.
Looking for Partner to enjoy the game.
The reverence in Skype
1) Platform-PC.
3) Number of players-no difference
4) Service-UPlay
5) Skype: Kosmoos91
Looking for partners for coop-missions in single player and unlock the bonuses of playing together. Knock once in yupley.
1) the PC Platform
2) the Number makes no difference
3) Nick AlexanderOnV
4) Cthdbc UPlay
5) the Game. most often in the evening after 22.00 GMT or in the morning before 12.00 GMT