Ban without explanation , chaos on NG !!! (Diablo 2)
Explain and show for that ban ACC beard_jr ??the ACC put a lot of effort or time so you appreciate your audience ???I understand you just want to ban and then Write nonsense , where at least one proof of the ban in addition to your thoughts ???????
Case in zod ?? Which gave me for the help ???? The fact that I helped and I was once rewarded ???? Mode of masons retain ???
I have everything I need and I played just for the sake of its pleasures and helped all because until you change the world not change .the purpose of sell it naive not pursued
Biza_NPT wrote:
I understand you just want to ban and then Write nonsense , where at least one proof of the ban except for your thoughts
smiris banyat prosto tak prosto pover naprimer nik ne ponravilsa i vse daje esli ti ni4e on i li4no ne naruwali
YOKOZUNA koko ni aru
I understand that you are willing to sell for real, just don't know?
YOKOZUNA koko ni aru
No, calculate the potential of real traders. You here offers everywhere mereschatsya...
vichislyayu potencial'nih pokupatelei ;D, v ls prodavcov mogu nazvat
YOKOZUNA koko ni aru
Someone does not know the prices ? All you knew, know and will know and including myself, for the rest I will not say, but what I know does not mean that I have bought/sold for real cash!
That's right!
Of course to pay tribute to the players that need them on the players not to spit as blitum, but it costs nothing to prove and the judge to ban or not been proven not to make a ban!
This pass really days and nights dragged HKS and have helped ( about a stolen Fort I'm not talking how much he helped).
But the presence of zod and not the consent of this pasana to put zod in circulation Masson... he's got 1 zod and second Masson is zod still look schastlivchika and cried masons?
Is willing to...
To prove it!
There will be evidence another story!
But so far only seen a rotten attitude and the free masons...alas...