Quen sign its modes (The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt)
I watched the video of Erebus, and read the description, but not fully understood. Quina have a few power-UPS/modes, like all skills. How they relate to each other? First, the correlation between explosive and active shield - they can be superimposed simultaneously, or sign only works in one mode? And second: category quina is the gain for the blast shield or a separate skill?Quen of mean. Forget about it and play like a man. And Ragusa do not see in principle. The popularity of his content Witcher developed only because no one else does not do so, for the stupid. Not complicated to learn game. For anyone who played around 1000 (even 500) hours of his content is ridiculous and have been embarrassing.. Especially when he tries to dimension via the canonical Witcher.
UPD: Inept people zaminusovali =( Always knew you most.
Alex Hawk
Clarify: I don't advice asked, and asked a specific question on the mechanics of the game. And ask everyone not to clutter up this discussion by extraneous comments
The first mode of the sign protects you from a single blow (or several blows after normal pumping), and then, if you inject a skill that explodes and deals damage to enemies around you (if not deposited, then just disappears and have to apply again).
The second mode is the so-called force field, for this you must hold down the overlay mark. The blows on the shield energy consumption Geralt, and if pumped need a skill for each hit restores HP of Geralt.
Know what I realized? For the first few minutes researching the game menus, tree, flow, etc. during the first pass at version 1.02. Just incredibly difficult, isn't it?
Frontier buccaneer
I also realized early in the game, but that doesn't answer my questions: is it consistent first and second mode simultaneously, and how connected the first and last cell of the flow token (i.e. blast shield and category quina)?
How hard is it just to check all this directly in the game?
Widukind wrote:
discharge quina is the gain for the blast shield, or independent skill
Stupid disable blast shield and watch it.
compatible first and the second mode simultaneously
Include the first mode,twitching recover energy and include the second.What's the problem?
Frontier buccaneer
Might not know how to enable it?
The second mode is activated by long pressing Q