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ALEX_FORUM 29.06.20 10:01 am

Pvp Ama (Diablo 2)

Good day!
Who did Amu pvp?
What to download? Bow Java or combo?
Which is better ha multi or strafe? Light fury or light bolt?
What kind of bow?
Dex or Vita?

If so
2 equal Gaylord forti windforce Arah cleglaw Andi tracks on swap CTA or thunder if Medusa combo
Max GA and multi for 7 penetrate in critical and 5 in the slope
Total 90 LVL with quests skills will remain 20+13 and they invest in light fury and charge chrome strike or bow 20 stryfe 13 penetrate...

Sting under armor 100 in Vita OST Dex
With KTA 1000 CPS typed and Dex with penetrate will give norms for multi ar
Invent 20 torch 20 and p damadzh has ar charmy 3 SK bow

Or like better? Who does am prompt
Sort by:
Obsessed 29.06.20

Who did Amu pvp?
Alex_Lyovin, he did.

great choice! ;-)

ALEX_FORUM 29.06.20

Arah cleglaw jellyfish slows for 45%

yok0o 29.06.20

v google zabanili?
na pg est' gaydi neploxie, idi 4itai

nwn2030 29.06.20

On poison dart Kochi

__Slayer__ 29.06.20

You only when faith will gather one must measure it to come on ;D

Obsessed 29.06.20

na pg est' gaydi neploxie, idi 4itai
yok0o confirm! :D they ng not only there are many who can open them! ;D

__Slayer__, <;DD

Rivnyanyn 29.06.20

If not oshibayus for fair pvp there is a ban on the slow target and charmy with damagem.

ALEX_FORUM 29.06.20


mazzilavbane 29.06.20

About STS Hz FRv MD ar

ALEX_FORUM 29.06.20

... Esli Ne poinu piercing ka4nut to strelu prohodyat skvoz bez urona i knockback ne pawet?

Sweety_Mustard 29.06.20

All plows, like, at least cows stanytsia regularly from multishot.

ALEX_FORUM 29.06.20

Toli bolwe 4em strel rem menw uron xD

Biza_NPT 29.06.20

Bow at minemum/minemum at js / posiv 1 / rest poison !!!!!!!!but besides PPC

YOKOZUNA koko ni aru 29.06.20

prodam faith

Olezha Buhalo 29.06.20

in pvp over doing RV+ha. the animation is in the FDA only,maxing out Dodge. ng bow AMA in pvp impossible

Aler 29.06.20

PvP Bow Amazon By Ethiopia

1.1 advantages and disadvantages of PvP Bow Amazon.
1.2 Main breaks Bow Amazon.
1.3 Skills and stats PvP Bow Amazon.
1.4 Gear PvP Bow Amazon.
1.5 PvP Tactics.
2.1 PvM Bow Amazon.
2.2 the Pros and cons of PvM Bow Amazon.
2.3 attributes and skills PvM Bow Amazon.
2.4 Equipment PvM Bow Amazon.
2.5 Merc.

Bow Amazon - a fairly common build (build) for an Amazon. Main attacking skill (skill) in PvP (player vs player) is Guided Arrow (next GA). It is worth noting that the options for the excitation of the Amazons with a bow for PvP and PvM (player vs mob) are very different, so I suggest first to define the objectives of your Chara. This guide will be considered PvM, but made the emphasis will be on PvP Bow Amazon.

1.1 advantages and disadvantages of PvP Bow Amazon.
This guide was written with a bias it is in PvP for this first of all you should learn about the main pros and cons of this build. Let's start with the pros.

1. Fast attack speed.
2. Rapid movement
3. High chance of hitting the opponent due to the skill of GA and Multiple Shot
4. Greater chance of bias from impact
5. Desync (achieved by high FRW)
6. Invisi (invisible enemy arrows, released at a time when the enemy is not at your minimap)
7. Physical damage (it is worth noting that the most efficient attack is still attack magic, but physics is far above elemental attacks and poison, for to gain the DR more complicated than Resist and Absorb).
8. Ranged

Among the main minuses can be noted.

1. The presence of a clearly expressed anticura of smitter/charger.
2. The low level of health.
3. Inappropriate use TP with rune word Enigma (later we will explain why).
4. Melee.
5. Fairly low damage.

1.2 Main breaks Bow Amazon.
Below we consider the main and we need breaks, FHR, FCR, IAS.

Faster Cast Rate
FCR Casting Frames
0 19
7 18
14 17
22 16
32 15
48 14
68 13
99 12
152 11
As you can see from the table at Amazon very low thresholds FCR that tells us how impractical to use TP in battle. To gain and FCR without loss of damage will be very problematic.

Faster Hit Recovery
FHR Hit Recovery Frames
0 11
6 10
13 9
20 8
32 7
52 6
86 5
164 4
600 3
The FHR table you can find the breaks Amazon. I advise you not to strive to use the highest rates and limited 8-7 Frames.

Increased Attack Speed
frames per attack attacks per second Hydra Bow, Grand Matron Bow Faith rune word (lvl Fanatism.13) Matriarhal Bow rune word Faith (lvl Fanatism.12) Matriarhal Javelin
15 1.6 0% - - -
14 1.7 5% - - 0%
13 1.9 11% - - 6%
12 2 22% - - 16%
11 2.2 35% 0% - 30%
10 2.5 56% 7% - 52%
9 2.7 89% 23% 0% 89%
8 3.1 147% 48% 18% -
7 3.5 292% 95% 48% -
The most important table. Proceeding from it we will determine exactly how much IAS we need. It is worth noting that the table shows an example of a rune word Faith collected into a Grand Matron Bow and Matriarhal Bow with different characteristics minimally appropriate for us the level of Fanatism, namely, if the Faith will be assembled in a Grand Matron Bow and level 12 Fanatism is, we need more 95 IAS which will be very difficult to do without losing damage. At the maximum level of Fanatism (15) we need to score 92 IAS for maximum threshold with Grand Matron Bow.

1.3 Skills and stats PvP Bow Amazon.
Before proceeding to the spreading of stats is to determine which variant of the excitation we choose. Namely.

1. Vita Bow Amazon - as you can guess, in this case, all the stats are as follows: Strength under things, Agility is below 75% block with Stormshield to, and all that remains safely throw in Vatality. The health of this Amazon should go over 2000 HP
2. Dex Bow Amazon - in this case, all the stats that remain after we put in power are placed in agility, 1 stat for agility will give us the average 1ed damage. For example, the health of this Amazon will be around 500-600HP
3. Which I usually follow: strength in the things, agility under the block to the'a or collected in this rune word Phoenix. The remaining stat points in Vitality. Health this Amazon will be around 1500-1600 Hp.

For those who are going to download the Amazon for the first time, it should be noted that power to throw you will not need a lot. His she'll need no more than 60.

Next, go to the spreading of our abilities. In General, variants of the buildup of the Amazons quite a lot, below I will cite the example of Amazon, sharpened it was under the bow. As an example, later, a brief look at options Hybrid Amazon with bow

As soon as we are ready to spread the skills, open the tab Bow and Crossbow skills and boldly put 20 points into Guided Arrow. and this is the only skill in which we can invest the maximum amount of points.
Next, go to the tab Passive and Magic Skills and start to put points in the Critical Strike. As mentioned a little above, we do not need to use all 20 points in the skill. because at high levels of skill, we will get 1% chance for 3-4 points. Therefore, I propose first to calculate how much we need to throw points in Critical Strike , Dodge , Avoid and Evade. For reference my percentage of Amazon's Critical Strike was equal to 72, dodge - 58%, Avoid - 69%, a Evade - 60%. In Penetrade put 1 point skills, greater we do not need. Other skills tab in the Passive and Magic Skills we do not touch. Let me explain why: Pierce for PvP we need, Slow Missiles unacceptable skill for Fair PvP (although in the usual hardly anyone to agree with your use of this spell) . Many, however, use the Valkyrie and the shadow, I do not see them make sense, because the Valkyrie all the time is late, and shadow in a dynamic battle corny will not be able to put.
As soon as we're done with the tab, Passive and Magic Skills go to the tab Javelin and Spear Skills . There put 1 point in Fury.
The remaining points put in Multiple Shot.
For simplicity, the received information the table below shows the approximate distribution of skills.

Skill Points
Guided Arrow

Critical Strike 17-20
Dodge 10-13
Avoid 17-20
Evade 17-20
Penetrade 1
Fury 1
Multiple Shot balance

1.4 Gear PvP Bow Amazon.
In this section we will discuss the options gear on the PvP Bow Amazon. For ease of understanding, go through each subject separately. The following will discuss a budget option. And especially for the players of our server superficially touch on the pricing policy.

1. Helmet.
On our server often there are disputes about what helmet to wear Bow Amazon. Most of the players think its a standard helmet 30frw+3soc embedded with jewels 15ias+ed (maximum rate 15ias+40ed). For PvP Amazon just need to have enough FRW for fast movement and Desenka, and 3 of the socket needed to achieve 45ias (without 3 sockets in the helmet to dial 92-95IAS in the sum for Faith Grand Matron Bow 13-15 Fanatism is simply impossible without losing damage).
I am a fan of Windforce and Faith Matriarhal Bow, so for me the standard:
2 amazon 30 FRW 2 sockets
- the price of this helmet is around Lo. In the presence of capital and luck, you can find something even better. This season I was lucky and I got:

In this cap is inserted jewels 15ias+40ed. Will come out quite expensive but it is worth it. By the main tierce, I advise you to have wardrobe Andariel's Visage inserted in her Gul rune for battle with those charms that we will need a high resistance to poison. It should also have Vampire Gaze 20dr embedded with jewel 15ias+ed in the case when we need to have as much DR, such as in the battle with the BVA.

2. Armor.
There undoubtedly fit only rune word Fortitude.
The disc has no special meaning. The main thing to keep within the available power. In General, we can use any of the popular options. Dusk, Ap, Wh, Wf. it is desirable that blanks was superiot and, ideally, 15def 15ed

This copy I got for Sur

3. Weapons.
I suggest to have in the Arsenal 2. it Windforce - a unique Hydra bow and Faith Matriarhal Bow. Everything is simple, we need one bow for maximum damage with those classes of opponents, which we did not succeed quietly releasing bundles of arrows and have to run a lot, managing to shoot 1-2 arrows. The second bow is great for ranged combat, where the enemy will approach us very carefully and rarely.

Windforce bow is cheap and it is from Ist to Gul. Faith matriarhal bow is a lot more expensive - from Ber Sur and above. In some cases, suggest to use Matriarhal 5soc bow 2shael 3um, namely in the battle with Es Sorc, because OW has exclusively HP, ignoring mana.

4. Gloves.
The ideal of course is Craft 2 passive and magic skills 20 IAS 10 Cb 10+str 15dex, but I personally have not seen and their prices, even approximately I can not name. The second standard that really does not fit us for Fair PvP (Knockback with a Javelin prohibited) Craft 2 passive and magic skills 20 IAS Knockback 10+str 15dex. This season, the best I found so far are presented below. Cost Gul.

5. Belt.
I propose to have a three strap, Verdungo 15dr / 35+vita (perfect 15dr 40vitality), Craft 24FHR 20+str 10 OW 30+hp and belt resistance. I often didn't want to complicate things and cost of the IK War Belt Immortal King set (I remind you. 25 str + resistance to fire and lightning) PS TG Vigor I don't use, due to the fact that in a pair of FORTS, and the Phoenix it gives too high a resistance to lightning, which is prohibited by the rules of Fair PvP.

Here is a belt I bought for Gul. Hp certainly is not enough, but all I need from this belt - it is available.

6. Boots
The main pair of shoes suggest War Traveler, due to their properties Add Dmg (and the bonuses such as strength bonus life and extra MF never will). In battles with many spell priority to use Gore Rider, so I advise them to stock up. In a battle with the Cold Sorc we'll need shoes with high resistance to cold, so we advise you to purchase Rare Boots 40cold res frw fhr dex. Continue: in the battle with the Fire Sorc when using the Phoenix the rules of Fair PvP we are allowed to wear only Infernostride. If the rules do not interest us safely wear Hotspur.

About the price - the most expensive, probably will 50mf WT, the price of Gul.

Unlike most items on our Amazon, perhaps, only the amulet, Fortitude and rings will always be static and change we will not. This amulet Cat's Eye. It's simple: this amulet has the properties we need. IAS, Dex, FRW.

a. Raven Frost, and I advise you to find as higher levels of dexterity and attack rating. (perfect 20 dexterity and 250 attack rating, is Ohm)
b. Rare or Craft AR, str, dex, life lich, lich mana, HP - a ring has no limits of perfection. As an example, will lead those that wore himself. the price of these rings starts with Gul.

9. Swap
Note that the Swap from Bow Amazon has a very high value. Swap for us is not just a block, it is also a melee weapon.
a. Ethereal Titan's Revenge elevated to elite weapons - at first glance it may seem that Fury, that the skill in which we threw just 1 skill point will give us negligible damage. This is a misconception. In fact, skill even though we give a total of 150+ dmg, but it would be added huge physical damage (In conjunction with the Phoenix it even exceeds the damage with GA) The price of essential Titan's ranging from to Sur gul.

b. Rune word Phoenix, collected in to'e , quite expensive, but justifies itself both in PvP and in PvM. It is also necessary to have a Stormshield with jewel -req+ed.. In the battle with Cold Sorc suggest to be essential to 4 sapphire, and FoH essential to 4 Topaz.

10. Inventory
9 Grand Charms: 7 FRW 10 Max Damage Atack Raiting
10 Small Charms: 3 FRW 3 Max Damage Atack Raiting
Hellfire Torch

The following is a very interesting formula and block damage on the bow. I advise you to study.

Total Blocking = (Blocking * (Dexterity - 15)) / (Character Level * 2)
Minimum Damage = (Weapon Minimum Damage + (+x To Minimum Damage)) * (1 + StatsBonus + (+x% Enhanced Damage) / 100)
Maximum Damage = (Weapon Maximum Damage + (+x To Maximum Damage)) * (1 + StatsBonus + (+x % Enhanced Damage) / 100)

As an example, make a payment of dexterity under the block 75% Phoenix to our Amazon (for convenience, assume that you hit her to level 90). Then from the available results we will calculate the damage.

75= 47*( x-15)) / (90*2); `75=47*(x-15)/180; 75*180=47*(x-15); (75*180)/47=x-15; 287,23=x-15; 287,23+15=x; x=302,23=302=the required skill.
Now calculate the maximum damage with Windforce, given all the bonuses of giving us the equipment.
x=(415 (maximum damage with a WF at level 90(max hydra bow dmg+max dmg per lvl.))+ 25(bonus WT)+120(our Charms))*(1+302(our dexterity)+ ((300(Fortitude)+80(Jewels in the tiara)+250(bonus with WF)+126(bonus from skill GA)%)/100; x=560*(303+756)/100 = 5930
Another simple example.
If the damage impose critical chance (and it's going great), get 11860 dmg. In PvP all damage is divided by 8, we get 1483dmg. When hit by such a projectile in a medium hammer (by average, I mean hammer, which suited Dr from Shako and Enigma (18Dr)) he will lose Hp 1216. It's decent enough.

Now briefly discuss the budget option equipment Bow Amazon. Spetsilno for those who can not afford to invest so much money in your character.
- Helm: 2 amazon skill lvls 30frw (bonuses as lucky) 1 socket + IAS jewel
- Armor: Low Fortitude
Weapon: Windforce (if it's really bad - the rune the word Harmony in Matriarhal Bow)
Gloves: 2 passive and magic skill 20IAS (bonus as lucky)
- Belt: Verdungo 15dr Low
- Boots: Low War Traveler, Gore Rider
- Amulet: the Cat's Eye
Rings: Raven frost, Atack Rating + str
- Swap: Up Titan's Revenge + Stormshield to
- Inventory: small charms 3frw

1.5 PvP Tactics

Bow Amazon a fairly easy character to manage. We don't have long to discuss techniques. Although some tweaks still need to be addressed.
Many had to fight with the Assassin'om, this character is well enters the opponent in the mill, using a combination of Wake Of Fire + Mind Blast, Lighting Sentry + Mind Blast. That would be easy to avoid it, fell into a trap assassin, you should try to run out of them, and will help us in this ongoing swap. Pressing the swap to run out of the mill trap to get really easy. This is in a battle with Assassinom suggest to apply this technique as often as possible. It is worth noting that swap as well favorable impact on desync.
Now let's briefly consider an example of tactics with the worst enemy smitheram/carierra. I advise you never to use running. Because while running, falls not only our unit, but the quality of Desenka. To shoot a bow just by being sure that the paladin is not in decence and far enough away from us. As a weapon using the spears. I advise you to dial in a battle with smitheram the threshold in 9 Frames (89 ias) in combination with Knockback (remember PvP on Fair - use Kb with spears is prohibited) - this will give us more chance of success.
There is need to discuss a caveat that is associated with a BVC/BVA. 2 very strong classes of characters with very decent damage. But there are (or rather those who manage them) one common mistake. Very often making Lock on our Amazon they immediately begin to spin for a long time, very often not knowing what was spinning in a AME, which is actually (due to Desenka) stands apart. From this moment I offer to squeeze the most is the chance to tear down to 75% health barbarian.

Dialed Poison Resist

On the basis of the rules of Fair PVP:
Poison Resistance: the following variations 75рез+75 plr, at 85 against assassins 25 plr against necro/druids/Amazons 50 plr if RES 90 0 ass against LHP vs necro /druids/Amazons 25 plr. Overresist RES unlimited.

Our resistance:
30 Anya Quest
20 Torch
20 Annihilus
30 Fortitude
70 Boots ( Sandstorm Trek)
70, 15 max res helm (Andariel's Visage)
Total: 240 (-100) = 140 , 85 Poison res 55 OverRes
The necessary balance of resistance get with Small Charms 3frw+Poison res

In cases where overresist not required (for example, Ghost Assassin) SS Trek you can not wear. In this case, the necessary balance of resistance get with Small Charms 3frw+Poison res

Recruit Cold Resist

On the basis of the rules of Fair PVP:
Cold Resistance: 75рез + 20% abs. Overresist limited by the 205 (100+75+205 = 380 total RES)

Our resistance:
30 Anya Quest
20 Torch
20 Annihilus
30 Fortitude
40 Boots
160 Gemmed Monarch
20% abs Raven Frost
Total: 330 and 20%abs
The necessary balance of resistance get with Small Charms 3frw+Cold res

Recruit Fire Resist

It is worth noting that the same Fire Res can be lifted with the help of craft OW belt FHR Str Fire res hp ( as a cheaper alternative to the Belt from the IK set). If Phoenix Monarch absent and there are only SS, to raise the Max Fire Res is used Hotspur.

On the basis of the rules of Fair PVP:
Fire Resistance: 75рез + 20% abs and 80-85рез + 15% abs, 90 RES + 0% abs. Single absorb is limited at 21. Overresist unlimited.

Our resistance:
30 Anya Quest
20 Torch
20 Annihilus
30 Fortitude
10 Max Fire Res Phoenix Monarch
16 abs Phoenix Monarch
Total: 100 (-100) =0, 10 Max Fire Res and 16abs
The necessary balance of resistance get with Small Charms 3frw+Fire res

When option equipment SS + Hotspur we get a higher resistance, but will lose Damage with a Phoenix Monarch.

Recruited Light Resist

As well as in a situation with Fire Res, Light Res can be lifted with the help of craft OW belt FHR Str Light res hp ( as a cheaper alternative to the Belt from the IK set). If Phoenix Monarch absent and there are only SS our maximum resistance to lightning will not exceed 80 Max Res.

On the basis of the rules of Fair PVP:
Light Resistance: 75рез + 20% abs and 80-85рез + 15% abs, 90 RES + 0% abs. Overresist unlimited.

Our resistance:
30 Anya Quest
20 Torch
20 Annihilus
30, 5 Max Light Res Fortitude
5 Max Light Res Phoenix Monarch
Total: 100 (-100) =0, 10 Max Light Res
The necessary balance of resistance get with Small Charms 3frw+Light res

Sorc with particularly no tricks. Do not force her to melee. If she wants to passivity, it will be great for us. Experienced opponents constantly use the lock, which of course will complicate our task. Try to escape from Lock'a, firing it from a bow, a spear, depending on the situation. Very important is high FRW, so using Kira's undesirable. Gain resistance without sacrificing speed. Many do suggest to wear Harmony in a Swap that would be easier to escape from the Lock'a Fire Sorc. Let me remind you that ES Sorc often use Matriarhal bow 2shael 3um. As a tip, do not forget that Cold forty quite a long rollback between castes Blizzard, use it.
A few words about the Druids. Options builds Druid - Rabies and Fury, we were particularly scared. Such druids, as no will try, not gonna get us. However, a Wind Druid for us is very dangerous. Never reach for the bow dangerously close to the kind of Druid. As much move. Often caught Wind Druids who choose his assistant a herd of wolves is their mistake and our chance. With Multi we'll get a decent HP regen. Use this.
Hammerdin until you take the Grief we should not be afraid. Move more unpredictable, shoot from the spear, and once the paladin came out of the des - reach for the bow. If Desenka a paladin you sure about your security, you can still use the Multi.
The battle with the Amazons Fury, as few of us have to be scary. Such Amazon often have great damage but low speed. As for the Bow Amazon / Amazon Hybrid, then of course the fight is usually long and often the winner is the one who is less predictable and more lucky. Moving away from the arrows, use the walk. Constantly use the swap.
A few words about the Necromancers. We recommend you to wear Gore Rider and a belt on the OW. Ow is our chance. Everything else falls under the General rule, a lot of movement. Do not try to release a bundle of arrows, keep shooting 1-2 arrows and then spov. 1 it is worth noting an interesting property of the GA Don't waste time trying to position the cursor on the enemy. Even if you let the GA itself on the course, it will still fly at the enemy.

To sum up. Bow Amazon a rather complicated character, but, in my vzgyad, very interesting. Clothing for her - a time-consuming task, only the talismans are worth. To play such a character is always interesting. Very often I walked by her in a fight with 6-7 enemies and often came out the winner. Participated in tournaments and never disappointed. But it's worth noting that this character is more suited to those who are interested to get rare items, spend time to trade and Gamble. Amazon bow not Masskiller and >>>aLL , but to show the class it.


Tactics, techniques PVP , the gear is at every opponent will be added

2.1 PvM Bow Amazon.
Before proceeding to the discussion of PvM Bow Amazon, I note a drastic difference in the skills we use in PvP and PvM. The main combat skill in PvP Guided Arrow. In PvM Strafe. That is, if PvP Bow you go for mobs you have in your Arsenal will be only Ga and Multi c Fury. On the contrary, if you go PvM Amazon against other players from Strafe you will not get anything a GA for 1 skill is minus 126% damage, roughly. It is also worth noting that in PvM you often do not need the block at all. So the swap is meaningless. Is Titan's often wear Demon limb. him advantages in PvM more than spears. About FRW. In PvM it is also not needed. Our charmy with the power of Amazon is not that useful in PvM. Therefore, the second part of the guide I conditionally divided into 2 parts. The first and more will be revealed Fully focused on PvM Amazon. In the second we will discuss what should change in our PvP Bow Amazon, for that would she looked confident in PvM. Now more about all this.

2.2 the Pros and cons of PvM Bow Amazon.
Let's start with the pros.
1. Our Amazon will not be of Immuno. In other words, we are not going to meet the mob which we will not be able to kill.
2. Bow Amazon, when played correctly, will always be away from the mobs, which greatly increases its survivability.
3. High chance of bias from the impact.
4. High Life Lich, Lich Mana

Now the cons.
1. Low resistance to all elemental and poison
2. Low mobility (moves Bow Amazon exclusively walk).
3. Quite low damage, visible on the map if 5-8 players.

2.3 attributes and skills PvM Bow Amazon.
As for the stats, there's not much difference with the no PvP option. Agility, I propose to have from 300 to 350. But the power you have to throw is no longer based on shield, but based only on the Bow. The rest in health.

Now the skills. In the description that is how to scatter passive skills slope and critical hitting PvP Amazon I spent a lot of time to explain why they should not learn This principle, naturally, applies to PvM Amazon. Unlike PvP excitation we will have the sense to throw 1 skill point in Valkyrie, for that our copy that Valkyrie will we protect them from lame mobs. The Javelin in General tab, leave blank and tab skills Bow and Crossbow instead of GA throw 20 points into Strafe. For convenience, the lower plate so as is to scatter skill in PvM Bow Amazon:

PvM Skills
Skill Points
Strafe 20
Critical Strike 17-20
Dodge 10-13
Avoid 17-20
Evade 17-20
Penetrade 1
Pierce 1
Valkyrie 1
Multiple Shot balance

2.4 Equipment PvM Bow Amazon.

We will not delve much into the discussion of things, for their similarity with PvP gear Amazon is very high. Why some things should change I described.

1. Helmet Amazon 2 30dex 2 soc (ias jewels+ed) or 30 dex 3soc (ias jewels+ed)
2. Armor - Fortitude
3. Weapons Faith Grand Matron Bow or WF
4. Gloves - 2 passive and magic skill 20ias dex, life lich, lich mana (Kb, Cb - welcome)
5. Belt - Verdungo 15dr or, again, Craft Fhr HP Str Ow
6. Boots - War Traveler
7. Amulet - the Cat's Eye (maybe Atma's Scarab, if our merc is a Pride)
8. Rings - Raven Frost, Craft AR, Dex, Life Lich, Lich Mana, Dex, HP
9. The swap - choice or Call to Arms with a shield which gives 1+all skills (Sigon Tower shield, Lidless Wall) or, as said Demon Limb for Pre-cast Enchant.
10. Inventory -
9 Grand Charms: 10max dmg + Ar + HP , or, as an alternative 10max dmg + Ar + Dex
8-10 Small Charms: 3 max dmg + Ar + Hp
Hellfire Torch

In the case that we brought against mobs our PvP Amazon, should change from her usual outfit, perhaps only a helmet and charmy.

2.5 Merc.
For PvM Bow Amazon mercenary is extremely necessary (probably like any other hero class). No doubt, it must be:

Offense (Nightmare): Might

Now briefly about the equipment our mercenary
- Weapons: There are only 2 options. Or Ethereal Reaper's Toll or rune word Pride, preferably in an ethereal Thresher, Giant Thresher or Great Poleaxe (in the second case suggest like a charm, your the Amazon, to wear Atma's Scarab to get immunity to physical damage mobs). Let me explain why. Reaper has a very interesting property: 33% Chance To Cast Level 1 Decrepify On Striking. Not only that, when caste you remove the immune to physical attacks, you will reduce the DR of the mob, allowing you to kill it faster. Pride will give you the aura of Concentration, which Might will give you a very decent boost to damage.
- Armor: Again, option 2. This can be a rune word Fortitude broadcasting disc with high Def, or Essential Shaft.
Helmet: And there are also 2 options. Essential essential Gaze or Andariel's Visage (if your mercenary is Shaft, we recommend you to wear, still, Andariel's Visage).

ALEX_FORUM 29.06.20

Oleg Bukhalo
I would not say
Except that the casters with new problem
Demag without a HEAP of charnov too small...

ALEX_FORUM 29.06.20

ATP! Not lazy after all)

lait_one 29.06.20

but you're too lazy to Google and find this guide on their own.

Obsessed 29.06.20

dolboyaschery, I gave a link to this guide in the first post. :-}

PG has reached the level where the channel only census directly in the topic? :D