Aleksandr Chesnokov1
19.10.19 06:10 pm
the cartoon starts sing almost immediately crashes (Alien Rage)
the only departures from the single different compatibility modes and with admin rightsHere che wrote
The name of the failing application: ShippingPC-AFEARGame.exe version: 1.0.9084.0, time stamp: 0x524eebe3
The name of the failing module: KERNELBASE.dll version: 10.0.17763.475, time stamp: 0x9877ee8b
Exception code: 0x00000001
Offset error: 0x0011c762
The failed process ID: 0x1234
Start time faulting application: 0x01d53019177befe9
Path faulting application: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\ common\AlienRage\Singleplayer\Binaries\ Win32\ShippingPC-AFEARGame.exe
Path faulting module: C:\Windows\System32\KERNELBASE.dll
Report ID: 9dbe2290-b4fe-493a-9652-f9f03389ad8b
The full name of the failing package: