What is money?
I thought about this and came to the conclusion that money is the condition of the estate of a relationship. And the tougher these conditions, the money, in fact, required more. Conversely, the softer they are, the less.Like for example Europe has set the terms of Ukraine's accession to the EU. The Baltic States generally and unconditionally for itself took. As a result there our boys puffing on Metro Exodus, Stalker 2, and then the Baltic States came in generally there without any games.
Ideally, totally without conditions - with no money that is obtained. Friendly. Just. As Putin offered Japan to sign the Treaty unconditionally, as a friend, just like that.
The dollar is also the terms of the estate relationship. Schematically America sells bag plus pouch tobacco Europe for a bag of grain, Russia, over 70 bags of grain.
What I want to say? The stiffer the terms of the estates of the relations bet, the more money require. And the softer the less. That is, the money - conditions of the estates of the relationship. In particular. That is the condition of their estates may not be the only ones.
lastninja wrote:
Like for example Europe has set the terms of Ukraine's accession to the EU. The Baltic States generally and unconditionally bought
Immediately obvious is ignorant. As it is, without conditions? ^_^ The conditions were, they were. Well, the entry of Estonia into the Baltic States in NATO is one thing, but the conditions of the European Union is also not so hot. Own agriculture under the strict supervision of commissioners, and other sectors, such as industry.
Yes, if to compare with Ukraine, the Baltic States probably richer... lol 8) It's really funny when they come here your Ukrainian migrant workers, the shame... But our people go to Finland and Germany to work, compared to them, the Baltic States impoverished...
lastninja wrote:
That is, the money - conditions of the estates of the relationship. In particular. That is the condition of their estates may not be the only ones.
What you wanted to say is unclear. But good philosophy, to be approved =]
as PA my no although it is not very clear
my understanding at the household level, a certain amount of money is kolicevo of goods and services which you can withdraw on them. cost no money as such, but their material forms, which is = to or lower than nominal . and there are contractual conditional proportional value of all the goods in the broad sense. but the basis of this universal calibration choose a product that is physical money (which in my mind is the type of intangible). because all a lot of money how would then there is also the question of the value of the money relative to the other and by the same logic.
therefore, the amount of money demand relative to the other depends on the cost of goods, services, mutual obligations and other goods. so how would ACPD intuitively the worse events in the world the less money which means they need less and better the more peck-peck.
and ische I mean when I was a schoolboy I heard about the heat death in a closed system. I thought maybe there popcal and no matter whether universal monetary system towards the equilibrium of death.... ааааа1111 the end of the world then the primitive communism whereas in fallout 2 fit and click barter. built all sorts of theories that appear until the TRANS glider social differentiation the economy is operating and how there's sort of a metastable state is good and stable and unstable is bad . and then I thought ische and loved inflation. inflation is all work well as hedgehogs. while it is true that inflation large capital dissolves faster ahhh. and finally another problem if the same 2 people 1 child is born how long is the end people . in the Matan one thing and practice another is the same about money.
A. Soldier of Light
A. Soldier of Light wrote:
Immediately obvious is ignorant. As it is, without conditions? ^_^ The conditions were, they were. Well, the entry of Estonia into the Baltic States in NATO is one thing, but the conditions of the European Union is also not so hot.
No, well, there's, like, when, in itself, something happens, and when in a relationship. And the money they are always in relationship. They cannot themselves be.
And it's one thing when the man put the conditions under which to have a relationship but it is another thing when man not such conditions put. That is, one person said that it will be relevant, only he needs to do something to fix, and the other did not. And even if he is correct, it still will not. As he did not set such conditions of estate relations. He did not say anything even. And if I didn't, then in accordance with the same requirements as another, who said, with him still having a relationship will not even with full compliance. As he did not speak.
Now, if you said we will take you in the EU, but the strict need to correct something, the Ukraine did not say that. And even if Ukraine is correct, looking at you on the EU, up to full compliance, it still will not take, as she spoke. And she's will itself.
This is the disease to be cured. You're not only cured, which is undoubtedly good in itself, but also want you to have a relationship after? And you have to be if you put the condition for the cure of the disease to the estate of a relationship. But if you did not put conditions, then you wish a good life, firmly shake hands, Pat on the shoulder, but to have a relationship with you will not from what you've become healthy, because you did not set such conditions of estate relations.
So I think mindless compliance with the EU requirements for Ukraine. Since all this correspondence will remain on our own and will not lead to the entry of Ukraine into the EU. But certainly in itself it would be better. Without corruption, for example. But, again, the EU did not put Ukraine conditions of entering there. That they decided that if they do, that will take them there. That's the difference between the Baltic States and Ukraine.
A. Soldier of Light wrote:
But our people go to Finland and Germany to work, compared to them, the Baltic States impoverished...
Well, if you remove all these the superiority of the Europeans over the other, with regard to Feng Shui so to speak, the conditions, the requirements in the EU is much higher than the rest of the world: product quality, working conditions, environment, comfort, safety and the like.
Throughout the rest of the world, on a much smaller requirements you agree to have a relationship. Not only all of the above, but also in terms of conditions of payment including.
A. Soldier of Light wrote:
What you wanted to say is unclear. But good philosophy, to be approved =]
Well, not only what agreed with me to have relationships in high school only on condition of$ 4000, but said that the UNIVERSITY is not a place for beach wear. I came in Lepanto and shorts. It is under$ 4,000 and student uniforms. The only way. Here. That is not only money can be the condition of the estate of a relationship. But the form of clothes, for example.
I have One Ruble 1897, made of silver, such a heavy feeling., that was the money before, but now it's paper.
MunchkiN 616
MunchkiN 616 wrote:
my understanding at the household level, a certain amount of money is kolicevo of goods and services which you can withdraw on them. cost no money as such, but their material forms, which is = to or lower than nominal . and there are contractual conditional proportional value of all the goods in the broad sense. but the basis of this universal calibration choose a product that is physical money (which in my mind is the type of intangible). because all a lot of money how would then there is also the question of the value of the money relative to the other and by the same logic.
Well, that means take them? This is to fulfill the conditions under which you give the goods, perform work, provide services. But the conditions can be not only payment but also a lot of other things - the presence of a doctor's prescription at the pharmacy, for example.
But starts something with you all. First, the money comes to you depending on the evaluation of your work, your services, your product, yourself. So you are going to do something not just the same: friendly, like Putin? And on the payment terms. You utilities it is not friendly provide? Well, che then he rubs? Some kind of bullshit. Now, if, as a friend would provide, a different matter.
As with the garage on the ground just stood there. Here is a friendly it was. Only for the light to pay. And now 3000 a year for what on earth will stand. The cadastral value of some fuck. Well, let him wash his friendship now. I have not started it. They. And only they. Even if he stutters now about it. Let his language not even cranking now to talk about it.
While they can even after the introduction of the cadastral value (Board for standing on the ground) to keep it unobtrusive to justify their offer to you friendly relations without any conditions from your side, just so it's artificially low tariffs for public utilities, for testing thereof:
lastninja wrote:
Well, that means take them?
at a basic level, from the point of view of the individual I consider the situation : is the individual is the society. have money or their equivalent. money form the duty of society to the individual, the individual goes seizes the sausage and cool stuff (which according to the menu, individual need and can afford), therefore, the company repays its debt to him. when money (liabilities) are injected respectively to the individual couple has to do for society that it was again due.
in fact, the modern money work a bit not so much all the small subtleties.
and what does the friendly? to me this wording is unclear. friend if a friend in a friendly will ask him to do something, to solve some problem or provide some resources and I will be STE to weigh how gradually it runs out of credit and friendship will not be another appear. friendship like that is to have material based mostly and do not have any formal or material duties.
and as to friendly because the relationship is not purely capitalist and socialist, there are social obligations and social guarantees. citizen friendship pays any taxes and the state it on friendship free education health care and all sorts of nishtyaki friendly.
as far as elektricheska something like that (don't know what UTB) I also think that there is such a problem and its solution - convert in the common market tariff for all consumers except for any subsidized citizens and military industries. somehow for me as a layman it is bad because you would pay more and for longer and business is good. and there and then you see the man in the street can become good with time.
Money is the amount of goods and services in monetary terms:the less goods and services compared to the money printed, the more inflation.Most interesting is that centabank may adjust digitally the money supply, both upwards and downwards.But adjust is always great.
Denis Kyokushin
Kyokushin Denis wrote:
Money is the amount of goods and services in monetary terms:the less goods and services compared to the money printed, the more inflation.
Not really. Money is the amount of goods and services in monetary terms is a stranger to you man, or rather, you're a complete stranger to him. And the more you're a complete stranger to him, the more inflation you have and will.
Otherwise what's the point in all these religions making, the occurrences in the unions? To become one of us. In order for domestic prices to obtain internal solvency to purchase. And so you're in the EEC, and the prices for you for Europe? What's the point then? No. Also with regards to religions used to be, when it was relevant.
The further we move away from democracy, the greater the price the United States, we throw, the more we have inflation - the smaller the solvency we receive. Democracy is a modern religion. And we should to accept it, then we will have domestic prices of Venezuela and the solvency of the States combined.
Was it? On domestic prices in Latin America were sold to us. Here I am in 2011, bought is: 200 grams packaging so big (to me its long enough) a hundred rubles something odd about cost. Well, in any case much cheaper than in the tea shop was. Yes splyl. Anywhere never after met. Democracy has deviated because.
MunchkiN 616
MunchkiN 616 wrote:
in fact, the modern money work a bit not so much all the small subtleties.
and what does the friendly? to me this wording is unclear. friend if a friend in a friendly will ask him to do something, to solve some problem or provide some resources and I will be STE to weigh how gradually it runs out of credit and friendship will not be another appear. friendship like that is to have material based mostly and do not have any formal or material duties.
The concept of friendship is directly related to the concept of ownership. In the ideal - where everyone is committed, your property equal to the property of another, and it is equal to yours. And if so, what is poor make friends with the rich, will come the sign of equality in the ownership of both. That is why Ukraine and is committed to the EU. Ukraine has all the property of the EU will be available, and the EU all the property of Ukraine will be available.
And do you imagine the friendship as it was I have a Polytech that for half a year never no one home classmates never visited. So would have graduated from University, having no material basis of relationships, as you put it here. Well now I understand why.
About to weigh too. I was generally completely different in childhood. Spud potatoes, comes a friend says let's go to the forest for mushrooms, I told him that I need to dokucity. Well he took a hoe and helped me to quickly escape. And you would be asked when I'm free, and would come back? Well, you're a burden. My property is equal to him, and his property is equal to mine. That is, it to hill the potatoes in my garden as well as on his own, and me to Spud on his as on mine. Well, then me and his mother asked Spud to faster it free. That is friendship blurs the concept of ownership. And the stronger it is, the sign of equality in property becoming stronger. To such an extent that it becomes without a difference where to work, for example - or from him. Although the work was symbolic, but still. As it was clear ideal - what friendship in General is committed where it leads: to a blurring of the concepts of ownership.
Because if your property is equal to him, but he was not equal to yours, it is called an Empire, not a Union. What Ukraine gets the EU to the Union. Not from Russia, but from the Empire.
MunchkiN 616 wrote:
at a basic level, from the point of view of the individual I consider the situation : is the individual is the society. have money or their equivalent. money form the duty of society to the individual, the individual goes seizes the sausage and cool stuff (which according to the menu, individual need and can afford), therefore, the company repays its debt to him. when money (liabilities) are injected respectively to the individual couple has to do for society that it was again due.
Well, here first need to ask whether the company needs your services? It is clear that if you don't want to do, you will remain without money, but still, to impose their services impossible.
And secondly, to withdraw the money from the companies... That take each 10 rubles. Anything from anyone will not diminish, and you will increase very much. But if added too hard, not from his?... Here, you need to be in Kent with the government. To the appearance of money you got the power you believed her brow, that is your property its. As if the government thinks you're someone else's brow, then your property is a stranger, and how could she afford the expense of their companies to give to enrich other people's property? Of course not. With only your. So that work you can, but for free. Volunteers, in a sense. And Yes, it will be. And give, as soon as it becomes his. What, in principle, might not even happen. As the American debt will be before you hanging. While its not to be, at least until the end of life.
MunchkiN 616 wrote:
as far as elektricheska something like that (don't know what UTB) I also think that there is such a problem and its solution
Well, if Putin has nothing to do with it, someone needs to be with it? Prices are rising. Such statements Chubais, the candidate for this. Here's who raise the prices! And Putin is really nothing to do with it.
Let them go. The well-fed bourgeois way of life is the current European ceiling.
Money is coupons slaves. Here there are people in the world, controlling all valuables. Water supplies, natural resources, weapons, women prettier, production and research, fertile lands and all that. Before it was like they kept slaves, who had guarded and cultivated. But to keep slaves very gemorno. This responsibility is the need to provide slaves with everything necessary, so the neighbors not to shame. Then came up with hired labor and the colored wrappers and coins, which themselves are not worth anything. The slave forced himself to perish in finding everything you need, then pay in stores master wrappers, which gives him the owner and which supposedly reflect his participation in the production of goods. But the economic system is designed so that most slaves live a miserable existence, regardless of the results of labor, it is called a market economy. Any increase in the number of wrappers she meets the increase in the price of the same goods. Value wrappers in society rests on brute force. First fines, then the guard with batons, then just tanks. But the tanks did not have time everywhere and here is another mechanism. A considerable part of the slaves useless. Unable to produce, has bad genetics, and even in the brothels isn't in demand, because of low intelligence to training unfit. It is so significant that the physical destruction and total control is impractical, it is much more simple way to contain the Department that comes up with new professions that are supposedly in demand and benefit involved in their PR, pulls them part flow wrappers, including convincing the other slaves to share with the biomass. Thus, potential criminals are provided with food, clothing and other benefits at a level average in the hospital, they even consider themselves to be necessary and believe that without them society will collapse:) Easier and cheaper to give the poor food, Chinese clothes and a small room in the ghetto, for which you have to pay the rest of your life without the right to protest and have their own opinion, than to face the consequences of hungry cattle riots, accompanied by looting, destruction of infrastructure, the creation of numerous small armed OPG itydy iType. 1984 full-length, actually. Orwell hated scoop, acquainted with him from the first rows, but the system he described is very accurate and she has since not changed. You can tell this training manual, which built our society.
Money is the assessment, as they have a numerical feature. And it is necessary to distinguish assessment from self-assessment. That's all the power with all your these draconian penalties involved in self-assessment. And they are much too high compared to their West. They do not even want to know. And that seems highly undervalued against the background of their inflated self-esteem.
In short, it's either they overestimate themselves, and the West really appreciates them so low, or the West underestimates, and they really appreciate so highly.
Dalarna. Che are you doing the same. Than as far themes go better to look around, yet head spinning.
Couldn't get past your post and not to marvel at. Years go by, and you continue to maintain the Outlook of a teenager with immature cynicism appropriate level, given how long and passionately you write such nonsense. Not enough black and white tones, languid glance, the volume of Shopengauera and the soundtrack from some max Payne, to complement the image.
And you are jealous. Mask adult, it seems really tight and sticking to my face. Reveal the secret, it is not necessary to wear all the time, it is necessary to negotiate with monsters who have power over you. I rented it and live a full life, without regard to the stupid dogmas from underdeveloped primates, hee hee.
yo, cool said. and the fact the carnival happens once a year, and mask, dressed, and then go all year, shooting only at home and in the toilet
For example, a trifle earlier was made of copper, and now when Russia has risen skalen, a trifle is made from the usual black metal will lie down in the water and covered with rust.
When Russia collapsed, then at least the money was silver and gold(the paper was too), and then the money is collected and replaced with pieces of iron and pieces of paper, but then just do the money will be numbers on the electronic score.