Freezes, lags for a few seconds (Assassin's Creed: Odyssey)
In General everything was fine,50 fps, no lag until I flew vinda. Reinstalled,downloaded all the drivers,configured the card,the swap file and so and so. Installed the game,I go play in a minute there's a lag(as in the screenshot),in this moment, tightly stops for 2-3 seconds(sound continues to work),and then again all the rules,and so every 10-30 seconds or every 2 minutes. Did everything I knew,and it was regulated by the paging file,set up the panel nvidia,clocked none,off different peripherals,moved the game on both the ssd and hdd,download another Repack,play with virtual sync, even just the thermal paste replaced in the end nothing helped,asking for adequate help(Yes, I know the comp is the bottom, but on almost ultra settings,to reinstalling the game,it was 45-50 fps)
tried,not helped,(way to reinstall Windows was that kind of driver)
Alexander Mozgovoy
Anyways kapets,it helped,some mats in the mind from the NVIDIA,thank you)
Alexander Mozgovoy works in most games.
Yes, there was an anologic with the driver nvidia 451.67, when with a stable fps the picture hovered for 1-3 seconds. And the same was in Ghost Recon BreakPoint, which is especially noticeable on helicopter flights. In the case of GR BreakPoint, I launched the game with the Vulcan API (for some time now there was this possibility). Everything went perfectly with the volcano! Therefore, immediately suspected the problem with the drivers nvidia. And today (18.08.2020) downloaded the new driver nvidia 452.06 and all the hovering in Odyssy are gone.