I would advise to start to get acquainted with several variants of billow(from different sources), those chars which you play. The fact that they all neudelal, but there can be written something clever + author's note that this build was running(maybe). Otherwise you're just going for each question to create a separate topic. And come have the same in rune words and see what you can do with them to cook.
5 LEM/ ist to put on perverted beaver godere/ mpera - other options (reasonable) no.
You or are lazy or a Troll of some kind. Googling more, in normal guide, in the early rasshifrovka all the abbreviations and strange words for beginners(diablowiki slang so to speak).
I play from 30min-1 hour a day if lucky. And read for 10 min and then 1 hour to make out the words exactly no time.
In the 21st century you don't have time? hmm, simple question: what are you doing on the way to work/from work? when you have nothing to do, and what are you waiting for?
Come smartphone to the Internet and do not close the page with the guides. In my spare time, in order not to honor the rebate, you can not particularly to delve into.
And I do not need trindet about the fact that the sales time for it. In D2 you found it:)
ti na sozdanie i otvet v temah bolwe 4em tratiw vremya v gaede razobratsa ;D !
there is a desire - you will find the time. no desire - you will find a reason