If your(your) fighters have skill of driving , then sit in it and go, not forgetting the gasoline which can be put in the trunk. Personally I have 2 cars:1 is used as the main drive and the second the trophies.
At the headquarters of the PNP choose Francis, he already has the initial driving skill, then getting them experience pumped his driving skill to 99 and choose among his talents is driving, and best of all pump up anything else on the skills and talents of driving, who have for him a higher experience. And succeed!
Lads, as I understand it the localized version when you move to another location of the car is still in the team???? IT IS REALLY SO!!!!!
So the machine stay in the team when you move to other locations, but there are locations where the drive by car to the end location is problematic and even impossible.So you'll have to use circuitous routes. So race and not for Cho Goni.
In Bowie - hammer between the mountains, like to go gonzo on the field;the Lab pick - up;Spiritsprings pickup, Base shadow-car from the Intro to the game;you can go in Wesselton on the tank,unfortunately only in this location;glitches with the machines that were in the pirates eliminated,except if there is a patch since 5.4 it and added more racks, and much more.
To imperec:
Would have long time, compared to the pirates the earth and the sky!!! Regret certainly not you.
where is- which is what is the question? You in the scrap to write an extra letter or brevity, brevity and once again the brevity of your ALTER EGO ?
Go to the inventory of unit and click window expand(in the upper right corner of the inventory), after you deploy the inventory in the bottom left corner under the image of a fighter see how many he now points and how many to the next level.
And the machine control is the same as in pirates, i.e. keys? The mouse is impossible as Persians?
And what for the car to drive a mouse? She's somewhere to crash. My keys more carefully at it.
there, in addition to machines escho and land sailboats there. possessing a high level of driving will it be possible to use them?