Please help all who have GTA:LCS (PSP)
Please help plz give a save at the beginning of the 2 cities,or at least at the end of the first vobshem something closeto the second city (by the way pozdravte me today became the happy owner of a PSP)!!!!!
Yes no you do not understand.I have a friend before it took seconds to 2 island downloaded his save and they disappeared
help then with the passage of time in the city where 2 when Mysia Beres appears on the map flag of America, so what to do?
The flag of America on the map is the gun shop Phil.There you will have to take a rocket launcher and then make out
you here:http://forums.playground.EN/gta_san_andreas/libertycity/101953/
How do PSP in this play?And fighting games do not feel the realism and always lose that feeling nao press the bottom button.
Went through all of those games on the PS2 far and wide,the one in the life of the PS2 Sonya.Broke only gamepads.