Tekken 5 (PS2)
Hi.Question for those who played Tekken 5 on PS2:is it Possible to access the characters Eddie Gordo and Mimasi Mishima(Heihachi's father,finalnye)?The situation with Eddie:There's a Girl-a copy of Eddie, but a girl.The penultimate person was Eddie if you go for It.Has anyone opened these Persians and how?
Sorry for the bug,what happened, and created two threads.This leave,and the need to remove.
the girl is CLEARLY not a copy of EDDIE, hahaha.
a girl named KRISTI proto leads the technology battle is also in the Brazilian style martial arts of CAPUERA,this style of martial arts was invented a few centuries ago people who came to live in Brazil from South-West Africa , which blended their Brazilian folk-dances of africasia.
And vosche come in different fighters and you will open up different new characters!
J. U. B. K. A. K. A., you finally once its passed????
You tell me about Capuera wrote it is unclear why.I went through all the Persians opened except for these two.I asked them is it possible to open them.Now he realized his mistake?
about Kapuero so for the rest .
Open the Can , but I have personally neotribal all to Common, I'm not a big fan of her, can anyone write who chopped it.
In fact the trick that I discovered all(all the slots are clogged)and two of these still present.In all parts of pinolenic opened and Eddie and naprashivaetsya in the game =)
pooba on the fan page
cheto I myself wanted to play again, try one of these days too, all open, see th
Eddie can not be opened,but can they play!
for this you need to buy a suit for 500 thousand for the Girls!
some type of writing that you need to wait until the timer ends the battle with Jinpachi...then it will be possible for him to play
Buy super costume for Christie.
Especially lost Eddie fights to go to them more and put 5 rounds.
As the third favorite character of Tekken.