Technical problems (Still Life 2)
Please tell me how to be. Bought a license from Akella, but the game is not ustanavlivaetsya as necessary( for Example, on the desktop, no icon of the game, although there is a shortcut. At startup sometimes do not load, sometimes it loads to the main menu then freezes((( And when I first inserted the disk, Dr. Web kindly soobshil that is infected with autorun. Then, however ,more did not say...Help solve the problem, after 20 minutes the game starts to slow down. I have a firewood new, temperature(iron) rules, win xp sp2
do me some sort of a problem with the scripts as Toko begins the dialogue in the game crashes an error saying that the scripting help!!
prisoedinayus to the bunch of losers I have identity problem some sort of white stuff in the upper left corner of the translucent size of about 640x480
The guys in the game to survive and I don't get it. The save option is pressed and nothing happens. Polylite response to the address [email protected]
please tell me what to do, I installed the game start the black screen and nothing happens, in task Manager says that it works (the patch set still not working (((((((((((((((((((((((((((
The patch solves the problem with the voice floats during the passage.
Try to reinstall the game before installing disable anti-virus. Also, update your graphics driver to the latest version.
I have not Celovska version...just DVD-BOX marked Games for Windows" and a small inscription;
Rose is fine...had to patch because of problems with the recorder.
Please answer how to remain in the game?)
a lot of questions, and the answer is no....
How to use the antidote?
To finish press Esc, save
The antidote in the room where Paloma is closed? you need to conduct a chemical reaction with flasks of and drink of that which will be black color
help me please I want will be saved in the Esc, save but does not save , exit the game and again first.
Enja have a strong PC , but yesterday I downloaded one file , inserted it into the game and everything went.
If, in the upper left corner there is a translucent white square, helps disable in-game antialiasing.
Problem with graphics and crashes, helps to solve the installation of the graphics settings in the game, on average.
buggy game people.....without passing it simply impossible to pass until you pass many times she will curse...I've played waiting until it is finally over....
Aah! help plyz))
In MNU is such bullshit - I am a current start to play all the rules), I talked with Kate(or whatever this bitch name is)) all in, spoke up, made all the throws and says error of some sort...what shall we do????
Tutuska I have been the short the graphics settings from maximum to medium and make all the rules will be
Diabolika-I don't know in some places just plain glitches was where the bunker in the room had to move bed to open wardrobe and take out a few things and in short I see it lacks one thing the rope chtoli and just the mouse on the edge of the screen brought and there was this thing and how long it takes cells