Secrets, costumes, Easter eggs etc. (Resident Evil 6)
here on YouTube found how to open all the Persians mercenariesHelena (Mercs) - Score a B Rank or Higher in Urban Chaos
Piers (Mercs) - Score a B Rank or Higher in Steel Beast
Sherry (Mercs) - Score a B Rank or Higher in Mining the Depths
Ada (Mercs) - Beat the Story on Ada
Clara (Mercs) - Play As Ada and Score a B or Higher in Any Map
Found one of the Easter eggs (I do not know it was there or not) - in Chapter 5 for Leon, once versed on the roof with the Simons, during a conversation of Ada and Leon playing music such as played during the dialogue in Resident Evil 2 when Ada was lying wounded.
You mean a buddy? For example there are trophies which can be obtained by killing certain weapons a certain number of enemies. And we know that every Persian own kind of weapons.
Geez!!! And I thought, th for m usance friend... go pereproydu second cast
Slightly changed the music, but still nostalgic. Not many will notice only oldskulschiki that his Curling is played in the RES. This is still my favorite Easter eggs (I did not expect this) About the others found, only the fact that Chris and Ada may's slide ride
he is not properly said to open Charles should open all the costumes and all Pernaja
people help play the mercenaries opened all the cards are all in S and personage not open
I'm not the one, then noticed =)) Also, when I heard some slight tremor went through the body (in a good way). After all, and the 2nd part is my favourite.
Nothing special, apparently all it took to achieve, Ala, crawl on all fours 500 m or 2 km proplyne (is so interesting).
P. S. In the campaign of Chris in battle with an invisible snake, you can find 10 to skills, seems to be the only one in the game (never found), although you all already know.
Maybe it was, but... In the first Chapter for Chris to shoot in j AVO, which is holding at gunpoint hostage and (thereby saving it) to earn this medal in the statistics of the passage is the place where you have to jump to the door which will be first battle with the j AVO... More in the Chapter where you have to chase Ada (Carla) in the room with lasers: quick shoot at the fuses (the glowing things on the sides of the door) and voila - we were the first in the Elevator and get prizes (in the room, just as the rise)... In the next room you can also beat heroes fending off exploding robots from Persian, which breaks the door (and again to a gig and deserved a medal in statistics)
guys who can do a skin of crossbones from the first avenger movie split? mod to replace Chris just externally