Hammered allocated memory
It is generally the norm? I will frisat game, it can happen because of downtrodden allocated memory?Spoiler
yesterday I reset the BIOS to default, and again began crashing. launch RAM to 3200 and started мемтест5 immediately given the error, the game does not start, went into the BIOS, set frequency 3000 RAM, ran Windows, ran the tests, did not reveal any errors. again went into the BIOS and have already put 3200, tested all OK became.
my memory in qvl sheet no.
percent 2600
temperature normal: under load max saw percent 63 degrees max., vidyaha 74, 62 BPM, the mother of 50, the screw 38
you can take some crucial, they like the reviews are not bad and are not expensive compared to the Samsung
If so change the memory under warranty it is still under warranty ??? Or do you think there marriage does not happen ???
No you need to take Patriot purely by AMD or AMD R9 already there will not go wrong !
what is marriage? it works without any errors. this mom is so buggy. the previous kit of memory on 3000мгц from the factory didn't even 3066
yet such is the strange devilry. games will frisat, but it is necessary to run a program that cleans the memory cache (standbylist), and the Frisians in the battle lost only while running the program, the other games does not help. what is this heresy, can you?
Have you tried on another PC this memory ??? Get yourself a Samsung memory and not fooling with all sorts of advertising G. Skil and Corsair for shkoloty !
the previous kit of memory on 3000мгц from the factory didn't even 3066
And what makes you think that any memory is being chased ??? Well honestly 3000 claimed chase Toko green Samsung and on a good motherboard and not the shortened crap. If you want to change the motherboard must be at least x370 ???
hyper1 has written:
you can take some crucial, they like the reviews are not bad and are not expensive compared to the Samsung
For your motherboard on the website of the gig should be a link to the recommended modules.I blindly took it,not knowing then about compatibility issues,but while working in 3000Мгц:
gennaz wrote:
3850 rubles. Expensive?
Fell a little.The speed of the read/write what?
Yes, I will disown in August of cucuruzeni)
under antalovsky the platform I took this memory, I will take z370 asrock pro 4, my memory is in the qvl list of this mother. but until August, you have to live with these freezes...
and the memory overclocking on Intel is not required and other pain in the ass won't come out. set and forget for 5 years
show me samsungusa memory at a reasonable price. you can buy the memory and do not get the Samsung chips. manufacturers of memory put in one model and the chips are Samsung and hunix
What ?? To drive memory up to 3200 on the Intel need a good mother actually, she's not worth 60-80$ !
In short, everything is clear with you )))
I gave you a memory called Patriot Viper 4 PV416G320C6K there Samsung look !
why the heck I have to drive memory if I've had it for 3200 and the mother, which supports 4266 RAM?
You have a motherboard based on Intel's more expensive if you take the cheapest there is a limit of 2600 on the memory, and there is no acceleration and turboboost ! That is for Intel you take my dear mother for AMD cheap and waiting for miracles ???
It does not happen ! )))