what to insert in COA (Diablo 2)
in General, each presented a Crown of Ages that low paste high runes there may be stones on the ed or IAS ? and will it be better than Guillaume's Face (paladin zealot)ContactName, I think Guillaume's Face is better. Damage everything, 15% DS, 35% CB with nothing compares.
zyexlz double for Gulick. but SMC is still possible to insert guveli type ias+low %ed and put on his mercenary sorci.
I have the AMA, even guliam! Demag is buzzing and crushing blow is generally the best it can be! On account of the Koa ... high runes will not have to insert Bro) high runes needed for runwindow! In Koa inserted according to need, cuts Pala kanesh should suffice... damage reduced i.e. a pair of ber is possible and even better jewels for ed and IAS. But the best option in huli insert jewel 40 ed 15 AIS, or ber if you are without a storm. Guli better COA for the damage and only 1 socket less socket 1... Carl)
crushing blow is generally the best that can be
Alex_Lyovin, the best that can be Gahow Chest.
Crown of Ages low
a couple of ber is possible and even better jewels for ed and IAS
Sayyouneed, Bera should seek with mobs. otherwise the game will be without challenges, you get bored and go away (
DiamondDead, there is the point: under the CoA AGM I carry Grief in ba, and to pick it up, you need no Dex, and the heroic silushka. so either amethysts or Fal (second best!). ;-)
Alex_Lyovin, Yes glya Cho, pity a few ber? ;(