What's wrong with this game? (Dark Souls)
Got then in 2 location, after killing 1 boss. I played without any mods. Completely clean version of the game. And got some wild sagging frames. From 30 to 15-20 and back. Like something connected. I understand... But really the i7 and 770 (4GB) don't pull this game? =) Will there be any problem with the install the mod DSFix?baracus10
Damn, but I have a similar problem. Is that before the game worked fine (subsidence were rare and not strong), and now constantly 15-20 fps and dsfix does not help
Will there be any problem with the install the mod DSFix?
Of course! Without play not to respect themselves. The incentive is just the latest version
may need to cut down aliasing (in settings) it's almost nothing in the game does not change except fps...
The port does curve worse. DSfix to use required! Suggest High-Res UI and Subtitle fonts for clear display of text. This is the minimum that is needed for a comfortable game ;)
Thank you all.
Solved all the issues installing the fix, edit some graphic settings, you install Vert. sync in NVIDIA panel and disable antialiasing in the game itself.
Why could crash the game when entering to settings? To play, of course, you can (I just moved the DSfix with all the configuration files from the old installation), but damn, psychologically uncomfortable, like a sword of Damocles.
Like writing on the web is because of a mismatch of the refresh rate (I have 75Hz), but I have not changed the frequency to change the frequency of third-party tools (MSI Afterburner) doesn't help.