About Fortitude (Diablo 2)
Hello!Please tell me that stands in the shiel FORTI kraken 1665 dev 27 all RES?
It's Lowe's or standards?
And what better to do the Fort and what are they!?!
Yeah cool Archon plate, sacred armor finally good, but DASK? DASK garbage, well, I had 4 juice DASK bol a bunch... the question... why spend a LO to do and tada the Kraken? Probably Kraken for Defo the same as DASK but vizualne beautiful... arkhon visual identity is not very good and the sa and the visual and Def and I also heard there are some bonuses from the armor class right? Tell me... what is sacred armor and opisannye above the Fort?
For the rest of the answer if you can please) I think sa is better the nothing...
I'm not versed, but it seems in the DASK or Arjona or wyre the fleece do for the Persians, and the rest in the ETH version for the mark. due to the reduction of running and strange requirements
She has all the info found SPS
Two options
Ar no penalty virgins to 524
Sa 5% penalty to speed and stamina but lef up to 600
Sa best
the AMC losse in AP DASK Wurm,and the barb can be OI in CA) lusche just adalat Hoge in Perth sa 600 Def 15 ed )
Fort have to do that does not require 174стр like the Kraken and 232 as sa. AP or DASK.
Kraken Fort took ohm gul) found the same.
Certainly 600 sa 15 15 probably purefoy, foam netak much... although ar standards but still the sa
first you need to submit the information correct and more complete, for what purpose this forti, HP specify , units, etc. In fact you couldn't even respond normally. AP and DASK to Persians by far, that someone more beautiful =)
The AMC DASK sits like a Dior or Louis Vuitton =) , for Pala AP probably looks efektne. SA is shit, even the barb...