About Great men (Sid Meier's Civilization 6)
I can't understand that you need to use Great people? If anyoneunderstand, write specifically, what buildings are needed for each type
Great people.
Every great has his way use. Typically, when use is highlighted the area where it can be activated, ie the city or a specific area like a Holy place or Academy. If great gives the artifact/product, then you can activate it where there is empty slot for this subject, ie for example in the theatre district or the capital. In other words, it is necessary to read the description of the great person, otherwise you may not even understand what he will give you.
to activate the desired areas(for some more troops jungle mountains, etc.) scholars -campus merchants-commercial and industrial. adepts of theatre and entertainment(need storage space) for the military often need troops, )so a lot of work passively,improving harki warriors)
You a couple of tips. First - when you have chosen the unit of a great man, on the map the white color starting to light up wheel hex adapters where you can use it. Second - if you don't know something, then go to Civilopedia and there read (Tsivilopediya - a question mark icon in the upper right corner of the screen). And to the comments above, I have nothing to add, and all so true
samosan, MadBadCat
Thank you very much, it is in principle clear. But to know what kind of structure you need for each,
to know to take or not to take. And I have now 4 Great writers, one Great musician and
one Great Creator and can't use them.
I think you already figured out. But just in case, I found the moment when used scientist. Of course, such moments in the game were many, but this is the first. 1:42:20
And so, there is a record playing FFA multiplayer, and indeed a lot of parties. Usually explain everything. You can look :)