Fallen Empire (Stellaris)
Hi.Next to me lives Fallen. Border in the border. Every ten years they need to release nearby planets TC climb into their territory. I refuse. The war begins (require humiliation). They capture a couple/three planets continue to offer the world. Agree. Humiliation for 10 years. Then all over again. So 40-50 years was. Wait about 2,300 a year.
It will always be or is there a chance that they will carry me to the end?
Of course, there is a chance that you will make. But in the normal course of 2,400 years, you will be able to challenge the fallen Empire. In fact, these fallen are not particularly aggressive, maybe you colonized the sacred world? From the simple contact of the border war is unlikely. I was close - but I did not attack. However, the length of the border was small.
build strength in the systems where you endure or better in 1 system but a network of fortifications if viagraes be able to raise a military account and take their planet have 30-40 points
Mantykora wrote:
From the simple contact of the border war is unlikely.
Here attached screenshots, the sacred world was not.
sagittariu wrote:
build strength in the systems where you endure or better in 1 system but a network of fortifications if viagraes
What are strongholds??? Their fleet from 70K
Xenophobes and will attack from outside, they hate all other races:) beyond it to the other side and then you can temporarily free the planet(if possible) that they lacked and allowed to develop faster. By doing this develop a fleet and carry them out well,or be patient. I only got worse,they were near the capital appeared at the beginning of the game and after ten years, and is a threat to me,accepted their conditions(humiliation), and then realized that I even grow will not let because from one side they,with the other two boats squeezed. started a new game.