Russian voice in Battlefield 1 (Battlefield 1)
Good time of day.Here came the battle with Russian localization. How do you think the Russian voice in the game at a decent level?
I am very interested to know your opinion.
I personally like, a hundred times better than 4, in Russian, or in the cold last
A specific question on the voice acting of the multiplayer. Retained the original voice of the soldiers(i.e. the Turks speak Turkish, British English) or stupidly translated into Russian?
The menu has a choice of voice, hear it in Russian or the language of another country)
Oh Oh Oh...dim bunch.
The guy just asked for a decent level voice,and was not asked to paint the issue.
But specifically to your question - single you and your teammates speak Russian,and enemies in your language,in multiplayer as well.
Kachinskogo dialect no.
Sorry, I really grubanov, I just asked a specific question, and the answers were very vague. In General, thanks for the replies.
ie you can choose whatever of the soldiers spoke in the language of the army for played?
UPD: If you mean functions my team speaks my language, it either does not work or refers to the selection of the team. In General, the Russian version zafeylili have to take multilingual
I also want to buy the multilanguage version.I don't like to listen to the Germans or the Turks speak Russian language...and Yes, the girl who said we got the goal AIST/Forty(for example) even more boring than English-speaking with the voice of the robot.
Who knows where to buy a multilingual version which will work in Russia?
PS subscription Access Origin before the release of the game will be?or a limited number of days?
With a subscription Origin Access, you can play only 10 hours in battle.
Timur Beresnev
10 hours continuously working distiller games or you can play a couple of hours on different days?
P/S found on off.the website here it is: If the game is running in the background, time will be counted as played. Therefore, so that you have more time, don't forget to completely exit the game.
It is possible for a couple of hours. Watch all of the games are summarized.
Think about it like this is because you need to play ten hours without a break...
Do not rush to taking the multilingual version! In the Russian version you can put the original voice acting (the British, for example). Like SW Battlefront is enough to change a few numbers in the config of the game, namely in the file PROFSAVE_profile, located in Documents, Battlefield 1-settings. Open it with Notepad and in the line GstAudio.AudioLanguage put the numbers there instead 5861806, save - Profit!
Don't know how in the BF 1, but the Batlfront when you change the sound settings in the game, config retreated. So don't be surprised if after changing the sound settings in the game you Englishmen again began talking in Russian. Just repeat the procedure above.
It works! Thank you. Now, even alone in English. Normal atmosphere is created!
After changes in the line GstAudio.AudioLanguage on 5861806, in the ru version of the game all over again as it should be - the British shout in English, the Turks Turkish, the Germans - in German. Including you and your team? I correctly understood? Thank you in advance for your reply. Bought the game, but when you install ofigel from a variety of languages.
Guys, a question: can I change the language speaker in English? I don't really want to hear about cormorant and a raccoon...
Well I do not know. My soldier has changed. But here the speaker's voice as well and broadcasts about the raccoons and storks
You're on all the forums I managed to ask a question ))) Not globosa and buy subscription to origin for a month. And you know if YOU should buy the game