GTX 1060
Guys help please I bought a GTX 1060 I was fine today I go in the division and I have texture or not about rugayutsya or lost, first played it everything was fine now so, tell me this video's stuck again or what is the reason?I need to know this vidyuhi or that system: fx4350 8 gb ram and gtx 1060
check in other games, reinstall the driver, at least borrow someone's 100% working none and put yourself and if the problem remains then it's not your vidyuhi, and what else
Of course then the bottleneck is your processor,none fast,percent slow and not keeping up with her,and this vidyuhi and slowed down,hence you problems
he wrote that at first everything was fine and I think the bottleneck is not so apparent to, and would just be low fps
here are the system requirements FPS and an example of such percent with 980ti and she will be more powerful than 1060
Look download percent in the game and it will be immediately clear,and textures are loading vidyuhi but it does not PERC
this is the real test, for example I have an i7 2600 and gtx 1070
fps in many games at 5-10 fps lower than the i7 6700 respectively on fx 4350 gap will be even bigger, but no problem with the textures should not be, especially in the system.req. set PERC fx 4100 for the highest quality imaging, that is, if you lower the setting it is in principle possible to play on the weaker CPU , and there are already possible problems
What a difference a processor was specified,if the percent of just simply may not disclose vidyuhi?
most likely he percent loaded to 95-100% and vidyuhi 50%, but this should affect only performance and not quality
he did not disclose, but it only affects performance, instead of 100 fps will be 50, and probably on any quality setting, even if the resolution is reduced to 800X600
Depends on the game there percent definitely not to blame and with more trash 1060 put here the problem is the wood 100%.
Try the wood to roll back right now with the wood from the steel kosyachny nvidia for driver
by the way good point about the 3 gig VRAM, if so then the maximum speed possible problems with the textures if the game requires for example 4GB and then requires more RAM than 8 GB and friezes will be
check in other games, reinstall the driver, at least borrow someone's 100% working none and put yourself and if the problem remains then it's not your vidyuhi, and what else
Spoiler me 550 ti all the rules processor intel i 5 2300
there is 3GB 4GB 6GB is watching what! I want one of these:
Спойлер or or the weakest: