91 Days
In July will be the premiere of a new anime series from Studio Shuka (the creators of Durarara!!11), called 91 Days.While there is only a brief description and the trailer. It seems to me like the death of something. Do you think I should wait??
I think that it is not necessary. Will, then it is possible for one series to watch and all will become clear soon.
Anime is addictive... the Mafia, the family, the war, prohibition, booze, loot and revenge, so I will describe it in short... And so is pretty interesting, good engrossing plot, intrigue to the last, for those who know essentially everything will be clear after watching the first and second series... look, criticize, etc.
Love this ornamentik hurts standard problems like a good anime. I look and wonder. Do without the school? Oh my God, no miniskirts! Wow, the characters do not chew snot and whine constantly! Heroes severe, cold-blooded gangsters, which is very good. Prevents us a new police chief, well, OK, let's take his family and so on. For a long time something normal in this respect was not. Usually kakieta students begin PI**to estradot on the topic of self-determination in society and other unnecessary stuff, as in the novels of Dostoevsky. It's very different. One is sometimes surprised by the calmness and prudence of the protagonist.
And that's seemingly the perfect crime Thriller. But here emerges the main disease like anime. This is a bitter, washed, drained ending. As in Cowboy Bebop, only more logical. From the ending of the bombing, aaaaaaa. GG not as motivated to his main goal, so he only obosratsa and managed as the scenario of the last series. Although in the middle of the animation events so dispersed, Vottovaara followed Vottovaara, such passions and such a miserable end. And the problem is.