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Forsiets[ForsiyskayaRepub 25.07.20 08:54 pm

Duel Of The Fates #3 Registration for the tournament! (Unreal Tournament 2004)

Next Generation Community officially opens registration for the tournament game, Unreal Tournament 2004 Deathmatch (Duel) called - Duel Of The Fates #3!

With the support of the groups:
- http://vk.com/ut99rul
- http://vk.com/utfeed

Opening of registration: 07.09.2016 (Wednesday)
Registration deadline: 21.09.2016 (Wednesday) at 23:59
The start of the tournament: 22.09.2016 (Thursday) at 00:00

Basic tournament rules:
- Single Elimination;
- BO3. Selection of cards: your-my desider (the third map chosen by crossing out maps from the list). The first strikes the player with the lower amount of kills based on the results of the played cards;
BO5. Only for the final games. Selection of cards: your-my desider (the fifth map is chosen by deleting the card from the list). The first strikes the player with the lower amount of kills based on the results of the played cards.

- DM-Rankin-FE
- DM-DE-Ironic-FE
- DM-1on1-Roughinery-FE
- DM-1on1-Backspace-FE
- DM-1on1-Lea_ESWC2k5-SE

The address of the primary server, which will host all games of the tournament - ut2004:// or ut2004:// This two addresses of the same server, each has a different connection to the server. Choose the one where Your connection is most acceptable.

The support server in case some of the participants will not hold the connection to the primary server:
- PlayGround.ru
- Mokum-X
- massivecombos
- Wrong Hole
- -`e. Duels

All the server addresses listed here: https://vk.com/topic-109108275_33302086.

The organizers must be notified of the duelists in advance about where they plan to hold their matches.

- Tournament organizers: Next Generation Community.

- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100012392744418;
- VK: http://vk.com/diablophobiatv, https://vk.com/id33178351;
- Skype: amperlissie, xxx_freeman_xxx;
Conference in Skype: https://join.skype.com/nSAXfJuz2zbC;
- Participants will be added to the General conference Next Generation Community;
- The official YouTube channel Next Generation Community: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjGBlaq0WAM_O2JKsZGZ..

The stream will only be for the final games.

The application form for participation:
1. Your nickname;
2. Your Skype.

Game rules:
- The limit of frags: 0
- Time limit: 15 minutes
Mutator NoSuperWeapon
The NoAdrenaline Mutator
Mutator UTComp version 1.7 a 116

Rules of conduct during the tournament:
- Do not insult the participants and organizers of the tournament;
- Do not use cheats;
In the event of a dispute arising on the basis of dissatisfaction of a player, to inform the organizers/one of the organizers of the tournament to those/that allowed/permitted the conflict.

Game rules and rules of the tournament:
Parties agree in advance about when they'll conduct their duel, after they inform the organizers that their game will start at a certain time;
- Every participant must take a screenshot of the account after each card;
- All results must be known to the organizers after each game, should be available post-match screenshots;
- The time limit for the games: all participants are required to play a game with a specific opponent in one week. If in this time interval the game is played, then followed by the technical loss of the player who is the originator of the delay and will not be able to play their matches.

Note: any infraction of the rules will result in disqualification. Thank you for understanding!

The tournament grid: the grid will provide later, when you define the resource.

- Sincerely, Next Generation Community
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Noize_suppressor 25.07.20

1. Angerfist
2. igorskype_90

Frayherr 25.07.20

Well, the game came to life with a championship and have something to strive for.
Only saw information about the prize, do you think small after the tournament with attendants where he proved his importance will come to play for nothing? Naive.
Pro players should be paid.

uogcubdacc1 25.07.20

name: uogcubdacc
skype: uogcubdacc2

Amperlissie 25.07.20

A little confused of the value - Pro-player" from the usual talented nerd. Someday we will invest a fabulous grandmother in such events xD

Frayherr 25.07.20

A little confused of the value - Pro-player" from the usual talented nerd. Someday we will invest a fabulous grandmother in such events xD

We have small is a Pro player.
So cool he played that he was considered a cheater and banned all thought it impossible to play.
All in one voice were trendily: this is a cheater, he has aimbot and valhak. Imagine what his highest level if they thought so?

talented wanker is such cold, there is the potential sort of, but that is not glued (not thinking during the game)

I have nothing against that, having a Champ no prize, just the pool of players is more likely to be poor, well, the quality of games will suffer, no one for free to give all your best and show character will not.

Amperlissie 25.07.20

And no one against the fans of the games to start, fun Champ. Need to unwind :) Then money for a wind to throw, getting hype.

Cold Mind 25.07.20

Everything is going for world domination Next Generation Community Corporation, not otherwise.

Forsiets[ForsiyskayaRepub 25.07.20

This tournament was created for fun in honor of the great Aquila! So any player could try their hand, to fight for a battle or a difficult victory! To look at what can other players and learn something from them! What else do you need!? We play not for food, money, separation from a huge crowd of nerds nazywany and so on, but for the sake of Aquila! For the sake of the glory of the battle and the sensations within it! And it is a wonderful pastime that doesn't happen every day, and those who are shunned and pass it lose and let! We get what are coming to the tournament and recommend others to join!!!
(C)from the Forsiyskaya Republic I came!
(C)to Fight! for Sacred Unreal! for glorious battle! for metal!!!

anryller 25.07.20

erased the data, TC is breaking in Skype

Amperlissie 25.07.20

The list was at the moment: http://nextgencommunity.wixsite.com/ngcgaming/duel-of-the-fates-3

PfAndrey 25.07.20

skype: pfandrey2000

Fischer 25.07.20

Well, if you game once a week, on weekdays until Thursday after 10 I can play with fish and beer)

Frayherr 25.07.20

Fischer we expect you to only win well or lose to eg in the final, but show me a competent, decent game to have the result of damaging was an accident (which in sports always) , but not for the incompetence and childish mistakes.
I repeat man with 10 years of experience in duels has no right to show the game low quality.
From serious competitors here Knowth, your task is to figure out how he did not give a hundred, see how he is in the last matches and for how much time 100, find some pattern and depending on its predpochtenii choose the most convenient game.
Only the victory. Just play with your experience can not.

alcgainer 25.07.20

1-2 alcgainer

anryller 25.07.20

caldana not to ban, because it amuses people?

X111 25.07.20

Because nowevery don't know who you are dealing with.

Frayherr 25.07.20

caldana not to ban, because it amuses people?
And who are you sorry? Have we met?
I just get sick of Fisher and gave him valuable advice.

Because nowevery don't know who you are dealing with.
So tell them about it, someone after all from Oldies to have new provesti.

Hindzya 25.07.20

Anryller wrote:
caldana not to ban, because it amuses people?
it's a great master on spike firing balls of shocks from a standing position behind the corner as possible!

anryller 25.07.20

Kaplun wrote:
And who are you sorry? Have we met?
I just get sick of Fisher and gave him valuable advice.
YES, I just go there, look, a Stalker so to speak)
You would be the center of consultations, access, and Analytics at UT, the people arguing here from Israel dude first in line will be. That just talent to waste.

Frayherr 25.07.20

it's very good at shooting the balls shocks from a standing position behind the corner as possible!
That's not necessary, I could blow even 2 sphere during dodges that. Standing still I have not played do not dub for themselves.

You would be the center of consultations, access, and Analytics at UT, the people arguing here from Israel dude first in line will be. That just talent to waste.

So I periodically and advise, I'm not having a sufficient level shooting competition with strong players, thanks to the competent tactical decisions and the expense of the game with minimum mistakes, I achieved results that I played all having good chances. Example I am a competent player and has proven that tuka it's not just shooting for victory in General it is not necessarily cool imit.