Console commands of the game (Crysis 2)
Good afternoon,put here a working console commands to optimize and fine tune the game (effects,the acceleration of the mouse, etc.) and preferably with a description)PS.And let's not get stupid copy-paste from the first Crysisa ^_^
I have a black screen if I do not put in the console
r_postprocesseffects 0
in betke helped, and there is no console,and configs the game is not responding
team r_postprocesseffects removes the now popular HDR-bands, reduces some other effecty lighting.
W1ns1501, I have the limit edition and the console is... And then jewel or DVD box? Games are absolutely identical.
Paz how to make life beskonechnye Schaub and energy did not end shoby nevidimom run and all the blame and I am Kal sho't mean to kill the mage.
Pacanchiki it. don't push kazlų let Choteau sho me help(Brains and other crap are not accepted)
yeah tried everything included beskonechnuyu energy only works when the car paaes in all other ends((
Maickle Fort I like it anyway what she takes away ,the fact that I can't do that
Maickle Fort you said, put the patch and took the lead from the TEM litsuha or Stoi crack ,if crack then tell me what you were doing
I have 25 said persons
started the launcher and started to download the patch, then installed.all
the console does not work don't even try I have 100 ways tried even litsuhu in Bethke shoved nifiga need an executable command in svoistvah label and nobody knows I blocked everything so the game without cheats and console commands though it's stupid and I hate idiots!!!!
Managed to open the console by typing in the autoexec.cfg string ConsoleShow. When souske game console is displayed, but with her nothing can be done:( the Game of keys does not react. the impression that the call console is not registered on the button. This is a request to those who have opened the console, upload the configuration file actionmaps.xml, attributes.xml, profile.xml located in \Profiles\default\ in the folder with sohranenie games. But to try to replace them. And then reopen them for editing does not work:(
when I enter the command, writes - neizvesno(
need con_restricted = 0 to eksperimentirovat.I different ways shoved it in systems.SFG and outoctets.SFG, prirodnyh teams - Nitsche.try a shortcut to shove...don't know...
graph.commands do not work in systems.SFG(((
what a strange logic, those of developers, it is a shame that we are under Yuschenko games to get want
In the configuration files there and Devmode and so forth is in the exe or the dll to the console ban most likely
although nafig this console is edited and repacked the files using quickbms.exe and everything is OK
Those who have not opened the CONSOLE, go to Antistarforce and push Crysis 2 v 1.1 NoDVD vovan31337 from and you will be happy.
try typing con_restricted 0 in the console.
someone else now has CRYSIS1 view that DEVMODE written, put here
and try using the command line(not a crisis, and data) to zapuskat with the parameters, like D:\Games\Crysis 2\bin32\Crysis2.exe +r_motionblur 0