Help me decide (Titanfall 2)
Hello people!Not want to once again buy a sling
And to Tinker with these returns hate
Can someone give at least a hour game to prohavat?
In the first Titanfall love this game but I don't know if I'd go I like this =\
May have to try Battle 1
Wait Maleh when it will be available in the origin acess to subscribe and play Yes
I bought I really like the campaign mode made the normal, though not very long but very even nothing ) at All, Bought battle 1 was held for 4 hours campaign and returned the money full parazhnyak but Tinapa is what you need
And you're the first Titan played? strong differences in the gameplay?? I was just wondering the opinion of specific people, not reviews and videos
To buy BF for the single is a very strange decision, because it focuses on multiplayer.
Yes, just need to buy a subscription to the origin of acces it after some time add to this subscription
Roy jons
Subscription has just expired after a few days, can have time, thank you, even I had not thought of