Selling components.
Regil upgrade your PC and sell the old iron.Adequate if my prices?
Motherboard Gigabyte H77-DS3H
-3 000
Intel Core i7 3770k -15 000
RAM Kingston DDR3
2-channel 4GBx4шт.(16 GB)-2 000
Video card Gigabyte GeForce GTX 1060
Xtreme Gaming 6GB -15 000
Extremely expensive for the processor and graphics card. Real prices: CPU - 9000 rubles, graphics card - 10-12 thousand. 15 recently, an acquaintance bought a 1070. For the Mat. fee, in principle, come down, like all the rest.
P. C. Percent corrected, 9000 you can ask. Although it seems high to me.
In General, the subject of sale is here:
Don't know what city you live, but for Peter the price expensive time, probably 1.5-2
Instead of creating these topics, just go on such sites as Craigslist and just promonitorit prices in your city
I also think that expensive for a percent 9K. For the price and better you can find the percent of the secondary market.
As for the processor you are not so sickly lip roll.
Prices in DNS for the money, brand new, not used.from.
Here's the RAM you can safely for 5000 sell for motherboard standards, for none 14000 will be the same.
bazilews wrote:
Video card Gigabyte GeForce GTX 1060
Xtreme Gaming 6GB -15 000
Then direct the CDA parade. xd)
The graphics card is shit, a game I have it for free and not taken. Percent place in the dustbin long ago, polyubasu still dispersed. RAM also has long been the scrap, and also probably poking around in her hands then. Wonderful price all this sistemnik thousand 15, if it is objective, purely on the hardware, to work or why. That's 15 MB and exposes, from the market to 12.
And what's the 8400 / 9400? They have a very serious competitor - 2600 from AMD for 8000 rubles
You would not have clung to the words, I gave him specifically to look for this money you can get the cheapest new six-core model from Intel, the comparison of the processors and of the question. And about AMD I agree that they are cheaper and percent than Intel and a video card cheaper than NVIDIA. Only here processors - inflatable, modern vidyuhi quality can not say anything, but before the couple had both pulled away during use, so to them I'm more than a foot.
potter790 wrote:
The graphics card is shit, a game I have it for free and not taken.
So you have vidyuhi 960-I one and a half times weaker and you say that you have enough and then suddenly more powerful and even the gift would not have taken, but its just which is worse than you think, so zavralsya ))))))))))