Latest album. (Mafia 3)
Guys, help me please, I can't find the last album in the game...All found on one album left, don't know what the IGN map is checked, everything seems stripped, but the game shows 97% (1 album).Maybe it's a bug or what? Have all eyes broke...
I know the picture is in the cafe before the fire , after the fire to take it will not come MB and album is the story.
in what area can't find it?? the marker shows that somewhere in the house?? but it's not there?? then look for the entrance to the underground reservoir, perhaps there is, on the map of several places,2 factories,priest's house,a garage under the bridge,banks,cafes
Yes Yes by the way, In the house before the fire was the album and the picture in different rooms
No marker, no, in that case, however, the collection of one album as not found.
How do I know?) Like no one says anything, and so 29 out of 30 is stupid.
actually, just written, in the collections of writes of progress in a particular area, that look in which area you have a 97% in that area and drive through all the streets and alleys and you will find this magazine possible location: underground sewers under the city,garages ,houses,stadium, swamp, factory, abandoned Park ,utility room in the cafe, the port, marinas, police station ,Bank, businesses your generals,casino,lighthouse on the coast, almost everywhere you can find magazines,records,paintings
This album is in downtown, if I'm not mistaken on the ship I also have it not displayed on litsuhe. h t t p : / / i m g u r . c o m / i c x u v 9 w" (write the link without the spaces).
All foreign forums rummaged, searched everywhere, have all one and the same problem, but PG saved the situation, Yes, this is the album, Dobbi, as you found(was) in General this album?:)