Bugs with departures Chapter 4(the SOLUTION IS) (Assassin's Creed: Syndicate)
Don't know how many will help, but after experimenting with optimization, I removed AC.ini from the documents and the game ceased to fly to certain places, and this (boiler room, the bridge, river and on a mission for Evie). If you do not help I do not know then what had happened, if only a miracle.the departure on the mission the great escape box.what to do, who knows
In the same Chapter, when the train departed save once near the end of the mission and now I have uninstalled according to the scheme: run->continue-> run until data is loaded-> the departure. Not to start another mission or to revert, as I understand it...
on the nvidia website downloaded driver close to version 340.52 and everything went
On 10 wines from replacing the wood on 340.52 and 344.11 tried stereoscopically 3d mode .NOTHING HELPS PEOPLE WRITE A REVIEW THAT THESE NEED TO DO TO PLAY NORMALLY WITHOUT CRASH BUGS ASE.EXE
woodik2015 Option only 3. Rollback wood video cards before the release of the 900 series cards, it promises a drawdown fps. Help login to the game with 3D enabled, the disadvantage of this pinkish screen. Well, or buying a graphics card at least the level of the gtx 680.
tried to remove AC.ini from the documents and the game kind of went completely but also IN JOBS; the great escape box crashes error asc.exe