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Martin_Walker 06.09.19 08:30 pm

A game that will not leave you indifferent.

In the first few games that really cling to the soul. Can tell what game impressed you most in terms of plot?
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MunchkiN 616 06.09.19

the latest from Igor accurately all that was left me smooth soul
everything was playing and forgotten
and before that do not own the plot and any style and Grifoni left me with a wound of the soul and torn peck's ass.

MelShlemming 06.09.19


Mr.Rifleman 06.09.19

1. Series Crysis.
2. Series Half-Life.
3. Series DCS.
4. The ArmA Series.

Ho1yDiver 06.09.19

To single out one thing difficult.
Really hard emotionally cling:
TLoU (The Last of Us)
Spoilersa atmosphere of despair and a glimmer of humanity in an already callous and indifferent, Goalies-Ops: The Line
Solarindustrie saying good intentions pave the road to Hell
Castlevania: Lords Of Shadows 1/2
Spoilerphobes how limitless faith can break a person and break all the principles
Series Metal Gear Solid 1-4
Spalancata the game carried its promise maximally engaging and compelling to think over the topic

Pavel51 06.09.19

1 series Fallout
2 Mafia II
3 Dragon Age Origins
4 series BioShock
5 The Witcher

Sergey Matokhin 06.09.19

Mafia, Mass effect, dragon age, the Witcher.

LenivyiBob 06.09.19

really cling to the soul in terms of plot
All StarCraft. The plot - a gorgeous(although with Protoss in 2 Lenz and visible) Kerrigan one to love XD
BioShok Infinite + Burial At Sea. Ken Levine is a beast.
Mafia 2. Cool story + Taaa BL#n, as in the end
Beyond: Two Souls. The Last of Us. Gorgeous interactive movie.
Trilogy Vosmek. Fan of books + poles rule is not tarnished legacy(IMHO)
This War of Mine. After the first passage in one gulp departed cartoons are so immersed.
Mass Effect. Captain in the maelstrom of events. Sunk.
As requested by the TS were limited to the plot.

Well, the bonus Rock n Roll Racing on the Sega. Chic eight-bit sound XD

Pelmen dobra 06.09.19

Spec Ops The Line - have long been in the patronizing condition.
Child of light - left a good mood for a long time.
Mass Effect - left moral injury, nothing more to say.

Vaipen 06.09.19

The story of two brothers. When the older brother killed the spider really wanted to shout NOOO
Special oops scene with the white phosphorus really just a gesture.
Soma Guy really is a pity. To go through so much and at the end was such a bummer.
Halva episode 2 still don't believe that everything could end this way.
The ending Bioshok Infinit 2, and So cling to life. Stepping over the morality of going over the bodies with one goal in mind to save your ass at any cost" and in the end to die drowned in a puddle. Tin

Vaselinski 06.09.19

Gothic to the 3rd part
The Witcher all parts
Bioshock 1и3
The Elder Scrolls

saa0891 06.09.19

I'm generally pretty thick-skinned,and I do not what game can make his way,but perhaps the ending of the second episode of Bioshock Infinite is one of the most emotional,powerful and memorable of all the games I've played.

DreamFAW 06.09.19

Bioshock Infinte + Burial At Sea
Life is Strange
Witcher 3

dtlmvfr11 06.09.19

Mor. Utopia.

Aips95 06.09.19

Oddly enough, though, even if it is not the creators thought the plot of Saints row 3 (especially the bad ending) somehow forced to empathize. SR2 say even better story BUT I couldn't get her to go (It even lags on my current computer NEMYSLEMO).
Estessno as already said, the plot of Spec Ops came out moscoloni. Nepomnyashaya RPG that I've played Vampire: The Masquerade - everyone should play.

Wild Rider 06.09.19

Caught in terms of plot:
Alan Wake - gameplay seemed to me somewhat boring, but the desire to learn the history very motivated to play the game.
The Witcher 1 - mainly for the idea of the plot and the ending, which turned out to be the best in the trilogy.
The Witcher 3 - (in the story all to well the battle in KM, then it was quite predictable) + atmospheric heart of Stone. - the game is generally a must-have, despite some cons with transferring saves.
Red Dead Redemption - liked individual moments in the story, well the ending

qaz0wsx 06.09.19

deus ex human revolution director's cut differently pass

alik12345 06.09.19

One game Life is Strange. This game will forever be in our hearts. After her film Hachiko the most loyal friend rose to second place.

MelShlemming 06.09.19


maxsinner 06.09.19

To the moon

Two of One 06.09.19

Sexy Beach Premium Resort