Save (American Truck Simulator)
Please tell me whether it is possible to restore your save in the game? In my situation I had to reinstall the game and all sohranyalki is missing. In Steame is my profile and information about the achievements, but when you start the game asks to create a new profile and the ability to upload old. Maybe somewhere have a copy of... what to do XS broke all over again to start.Alex-0058
If the game is purchased on Steam, after each update creates a copy of the profiles folder and in there save. Need to open the folder Euro Truck Simulator 2 which is in the documents and there should be a folder profiles1.25.2.6 bac, it will be a folder with the profile folder and then save it already will be saved.
Before the reinstallation. The folder my documents >> ATS. There are two profiles folder and profiles (1.4.x.x.)bak. Copy them to another location, reinstalling the game you come back and using Alt + Tab out. Then copy these folders back into place c replacement, you come to the game and voila everything as it was. The same can be done with a folder mod.