KeYgen (Postal 3)
postal 3 how to use KeYgen.He ische pecking I enter it will activate and then writes bboyThis is all the heuristic analyzer. I sent the file for investigation to Kaspersky a week ago. as you can see, Kaspersky is silent.
Well, if you don't want to play - don't rock the keygen. I have a single password is not lost.
And in General, many anti-viruses is a function of the virtualization of processes (sandbox) run in the sandbox when off the Internet and then you definitely have nothing to fear.
for those who have says to insert a disk in DVD-ROM
download daemon-tools otkryvaete your iso file (in which the postal instalasi)and then include Kaew-gen and should be plowed under if there is an error downloading another Kaew-gene or email me at cute I'll send ...
and to whom is not difficult to send me cute 1 file from the folder Postal 3 / game /bin files tier0.dll and tier0_s.dll
tried to download and it native requests
All your cracks are infected. This proved all having at hand the antivirus and in the laboratory have been sent - the most common mailware. And that would not tell anyone. Windu no one wants to treat. Better to wait when will come out the normal build of the game.
you have in mind malware campaign. One crack was indeed a virus. The ones that I posted and the one on the Playground without viruses.
If you're sent to the lab, then city that you wrote the expert on this type of malicious program so it is all seen, not just looked at the verbiage.
run the keygen copy the keygen to the activation window and do not close, not what it says that Activation was rejected by the server. The serial number you entered was not found in the database activation on the server. Make sure the correct serial number and try again.
Address Internet:
what to do ??????????????
at the bottom of the activation window where you took the serial number is the inscription I already Have an activation key, poke in there and see the hardware ID and copy it to a string called keygen HwId after copy the hardware code press in the keygens Gen Key and the string Key appears in the key, copy it to the activator of the game in the bottom field and click OK or next, can't remember well up there
the Google hammer. is Postal III Repack with a size of about 4 gigs. there's just the video compression, nothing removed. game version 1.0 but you can put the patches after making the information about the game in the registry. but then you have to put the pill again after the patch. look. normal versions of many. pills especially do not differ.
Thank you all,all went well for several levels, Even thanks to The nOObin for the link above.
The nOOb